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Written by CoolG1319

Who Are They?

A messenger is a person who announces important news and information to the civilians of a city. Their role is to efficiently inform the residents of their stationed settlement about relevant news. They report everything from sports events, festival details, updates from the army and messages directly from The Central Church. In addition, during holidays, they sing songs and announce special deals for the sale of snacks and souvenirs. There are ten messenger angels in Caelumen, two in each region.



One doesn't need an education to become a messenger; all they would need is:
  • A powerful but pleasing and melodic voice
  • A lively demeanour (make the news reporting as interesting as the news itself!)
  • The ability to deliver information clearly and concisely
  • A non-biased and open-minded attitude


A messenger stands on a raised platform in the city's center, breaking the day's news with their trusty bronze horn, serving as a megaphone. One could find themselves there for hours. If they're stationed in larger cities, they have to fly around the place so everyone can hear them. Flying around the city and talking without pausing for even a second can be exhausting so they're paid a handsome weekly salary of 30 argen coins on regular days and 50 argen coins on holidays and special occasions.

Other Benefits

Being a messenger can be hard, but it is worth the benefits! They are always treated with respect as they aid in spreading essential information and often receive gifts like clothing, money and foodstuff from neighbours, complimentary drinks at bars and even hugs and kisses from little kids who refer to them as "the messenger guy/girl".
"Brother, brother!"   The little girl tugged on her big brother's sleeve and pointed excitedly at the sky. "Look! Up there!"   The brother looked up and saw what his sister had seen. "Yeah!" he exclaimed.   "A messenger guy," the girl squealed.   She pulled on her brother's sleeve and dragged him along. "Let's see what he has to say!"   So the brother and sister rushed to hear the day's news.

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Messenger Angel Badge by CoolG1319
Alternative Names
Messenger Angels
Public Services
Related Locations
Large Bronze Horn by CoolG1319

Cover image: Messenger Angel Banner by CoolG1319


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