The Continent

Fort Vigilance

Residing just below the mountainous peaks north of Avellonis the headquarters of The Vigil, A closely guarded secret by the people of Oldtown and even forgotten by the Crown itself. Since it's reconstruction it's become the haven for many who choose to uphold the pacts and safeguard Calagon from unknown threats.



Nestled within the craggy embrace of the towering mountains of Avellonis, Fort Vigilance continues to stand as a hidden bastion that houses the members of The Vigil, It's rugged stone walls weathered by centuries of wind and storm, rise defiantly against the backgdrop of the jagged peaks, Like the sentinels of old the fortress commands a view of the surrounding lands while also blending in to it's natural environments.   The hidden entrance to Fort Vigilance is concealed amidst the dense foliage, a narrow path leading through the towering trees as their ancient branches form a natural canopy over the winding trail. Only those familiar with the secret kept by Oldtown's oath would know of this hidden passage as it's location shrouded in mystery to all but a select few. Within the fortress walls echos the ages past resonating in every stand and shadow, Halls carved from the living rock echoing with the footsteps of generations of Vigilants - Their solemn duty etched into the very walls of the fortress.  


Inside the heart of the fortress the inhabitants live almost like monks in that the barracks provide no more than shelter and respite for the vigilants that need a break every now and then from their constant expeditions, Rows of sturdy cots line the walls of a spacious chamber - meticulously maintained by it's occupants. The barracks serve as a sanctuary for the weary warriors where they can rest and recuperate, containing their sparse possessions and equipment.  


Adjacent to the barracks are the bustling kitchens of Fort Vigilance where it stands as the centre of activity - Skilled cooks labouring tirelessly to prepare nourishing meals for the fortress' inhabitants. The savory aroma of cooking food filling the air, mingling with the scent of herbs and spices, Here ingredients are transformed into hearty stews, crusty bread, and other such sustenance that provide a resplendent change in the lives of the unsung warriors and their arduous duties.  

Mess Hall

Connected to the kitchens are the mess halls of the fort providing ample seating for it's inhabitants to gather and partake in meals together, even more so than the kitchen it's a centre of activity within the walls as vigilants mingle and share in their stories. Long wooden tables and benches fill the spacious chamber while the walls are adorned with the banners and insignia of The Vigil, Trophies of past expeditions displayed on altars as a reminder of how far they've come.  

Training Grounds

Beyond the confines of the fortess walls lie the sprawling training grounds of Fort Vigilance, where the vigilants hone their skills in martial prowess against either wooden dummies and targets scattered throughout the open space or each other providing ample opportunityes for sparring and practice. Under the watchful eye of seasoned instructers, The recruits undergo rigorous training regimens designed to prepare them for the dangers that await them beyond the safety of the fortress.  

Outdoor Tents

In addition to the permanent structures of the fortress rows of sturdy tents are pitched in the courtyard providing temporary shelter for visiting Vigilants and guests. These outdoor tents serve as makeshift barracks for overflow accommodations or as temporary quarters for special operations teams preparing for expeditions into the wilderness. Despite their humble appearance these tents are equipped with all the necessities to ensure the comfort and safety of their occupants during their stay at Fort Vigilance.




The fortress' storerooms lie vast stockpiles of provisions mostly including non-perishable foodstuffs such as dried meats, grains, and preserved fruits and . These provisions ensure that the inhabitants of Fort Vigilance have an ample supply of sustenance to sustain them during times of siege or scarcity.  


Boasting a well stock armoury that housed a diverse array of weapons, armour, and other equipment essential for it's defenders many of which are relics of ages past bestowed upon the first by their founder King Avellonis. Swords, spears, bows, and crossbows line the racks while suits of chainmail, leather and plate armour stand ready to be donned by the vigilants as they prepare for an expedition. Shields, helmets and other protective gear round out the arsenal, ensuring that the fortress' defenders are adequately equipped to confront any threat.  

Medical Supplies

In addition to weapons and armour, A supply of medical supplies is maintained such as healing potions to tend to the wounds and ailments of it's occupants. Bandages, salves and tinctures are stored alongside herbs and remedies gathered from the surrounding wilderness and the neighbouring village - Providing a means to treat injuries and illnesses sustained during an expedition.  

Specialized Equipment

For missions requiring specialized equipment or tools, Fort Vigilance maintains a workshop where skilled craftsmen and artisans ply their trade. Here weaponsmiths forge blades of exceptional quality, armorers fashion suits of custom-fitted armor, and engineers construct traps, mechanical wonders, and other devices designed to aid in the defense of the fortress and the realms beyond.  


Stables within the fortress houses sturdy warhorses, capable of carrying Vigilants swiftly across the rugged terrain of the surrounding wilderness. Additionally, carts, wagons, and pack animals stand ready to transport supplies, provisions, and equipment to and from Fort Vigilance.



The fortress is encircled by towering walls constructed from sturdy stone their sheer height and thickness providing a formidable barrier against would-be attackers. Reinforced with buttresses and battlements these walls are virtually impregnable, offering both physical protection and a vantage point from which defenders can rain down arrows and projectiles upon their foes. At regular intervals along the walls of Fort Vigilance stand watchtowers their lofty heights offering commanding views of the surrounding landscape. Manned by vigilant sentries day and night these towers serve as lookout posts providing early warning of approaching threats and allowing defenders to coordinate their response accordingly. Additionally crenellated battlements line the upper edges of the walls offering cover for archers and crossbowmen to unleash a hail of missiles upon any foe foolish enough to approach.
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