The Continent


A coastal city in the northern part of Avellonis farthest settlement from the capital second only to Meriport - Created around 103 AU as a port town that could facilitate northern sailing for necessary expeditions, though in later years it's been more difficult to get bigger ships through due to the nearby eroding landmasses and has become more of a fishing port.   The plains in which the city was built is a wide sprawling landscape of farms filled with plots of grains, potatoes, turnips and other necessities that provide Avellonis with most of it's produce. Sprawling fields where livestock are allowed to roam free with their only way of straying from the vicinity of the city being the ocean and the gated wall into Dullwind plains from Grimswood and Splinterwood.  


Situtated in the Dullwind plains same as Mir'Dan the Avellonis city of Elves, This town benefits from the trade of goods and culture between the two settlements - As such there may at times be more elves than humans here at one time (Counting High Elves and Half Elves). Some of which choose to relocate into more permanent lodgings further diversifying the culture and demographics of this seaside city.


Much like the other cities of Avellonis, The Lord of the city-state has complete control over the workings of the settlement as the de-facto leader instated by the crown, He may choose to appoint advisors or other types of politicians in his stead as a way to help manage the other smaller villages that the region controls, In this case the Lord is in charge of the town of Westbrook and in a smaller capacity works with the Lord of Highspire to help the land flourish as they see fit.  


Though garrisoned with fewer barracks than that of some of the other cities, Dullwich receives support from the Highspire in times of need, A priority in war-times for the tower to be used as a lookout point for any enemy ships trying to land on the coastal cities thus allowing the city-states to prepare accordingly if any such threat were to arrive.   Dullwich unlike Meriport with it's many docks has instead come to the conclusion that port-life in that having ships come through the shallow reefs and the constantly eroding landmasses that serve as a gateway into the city has become too much a hassle - Instead in more recent days opting to let Meriport and Peaksmouth to become the main sources of trade by ship while they erect a defensive wall around the coast of the city where lookouts are stationed with ballistas and other such ranged weapons that were made to target ships.
Founding Date
103 AU
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by J.S Ilarde


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