The Continent


The Stone Fury Bastion

Built upon an old Stone Fury settlement, Highspire was constructed as symbol of the sturdiness and stoicism of Daine Stonefury's people, With a tower rising high into the clouds being situated in the middle of Avellonis and almost being able to see any threat coming in seabound.  


The Stone Fury were known for their craftsmanship within the ancient tribes - Constructing stone buildings, monuments and even homes within mountains earlier than most of humankind. This craftsmanship was passed on to their descendants that are now a part of the Kingdom of Rainegate, Erecting a tower of stone that could rival those of the Towers of Veridium.  

Strategic Site

During the Age of Divide when the three realms were at war with each other, the Highspire was used as centralised point where hostile ships could be spotted from the horizon, Even if the warnings sent out to the cities would take a dozen miles to reach them, It would ultimately be enough to make the difference in a coastal defence.  


After the Age of Divide and the signing of the peace treaties, The Highspire would no longer be used for it's intended purpose - Instead a central point for caravans and travellers to use as a resting point between their travellers. Temporary lodgings would be set up such as tents and a few buildings for soldiers and guards that were assigned to this post from Rainegate. The Highspire would become home to the Lord of Stone Fury a descendant of the original tribe and governor of the respective state.
Location under

Cover image: by Midjourney


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