The Continent


The plains of Dullwind are the backbones of the human realms serving as the agricultural center from which there are an abundance of farmlands - A testament to the industrious nature that's recently swept over the kingdom.   As far as the eye can see from the border of Splintergarde to the coasts of Dullwind are neat rows of crops carpetting the earth, Their vibrant hues painting a mosaic of life across the landscape - Wheat, barley, and oats sway gently in the breeze, their stalks waiting to be harvested and placed abong a pile of abundant sustenance.
  Amidst the sparse trees and plethora of farmlands, In the distance are occasional windmills turning lazily in the breeze, Their rhythmic creaking forming a symphony of industry amongst the casual laid back lifestyle of the region, Grinding grain into flour and pumping water from beneath the earth's surface.
The Dullwind Guard holds a crest of the red star, Representing the meteor that seemingly hovered above the major city of Dullwich for a year during the Age of Divide.
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Cover image: by J.S Ilarde


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