The Continent


Shortly after the construction of it's parent city, The town of Westbrook began as refuge for the countless amount of people who were flocking to the newly built city of Dullwich. Through the years it has flourished into the rural center of Avellonis where livestock and farms reign, Wide fenced off fields full of grains, potatoes and other such trade goods litter the landscape, Bulls, Cows, And Sheep.  


Inhabited mostly by humans due to the fact that the nearby settlements of Dullwich and Mir'Dan provide a better home for those who have migrated from other realms, Most of it's residents are farmers who work a living to supply produce for it's parent settlement Dullwich, Living mostly humble lives with the occasional traveller passing through on their way to the bigger cities.  


The mayor of Westbrook has few things to worry about when it comes to managing the workings of the town - Everyday comes and goes as easily as the day before, With their only concern being their management of crops and livestock.   Though guards are seen to be patrolling the countryside roads around Westbrook they very rarely pay attention to the town as it's known for it's low crime rate. The occasional patrol will still be sent from Dullwich to the Highspire and passing through the village by order of the lord of Dullwind Plains whom delegates responsibilities to the respective minor settlements.  


Windmills scatter the fields of Dullwind within easy access to the fields as carriages of produce lended by Dullwich to the town which are stored in their silos and warehouses. As the majority of inhabitants choosing to adopt profession of farming, Construction of granaries, barns and stables were the priority when the town was first built now counting in the greater part of the buildings that make up the town.  


Though the town mostly lives day by day in a low economy state, They manage to stay afloat with all their expenses with the help of their parent city of Dullwich and the trade of bread and other such produces to passing travellers made with their own farmed goods. Traders from Westbrook are often seen traversing the roads to sell their goods at Dullwich, Mir'Dan and especially Highspire which has no way to produce food on their own and.
Founding Date
120 AU
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by J.S Ilarde


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