BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Collective

SESSION 1 • The Start of Something.

The players started in prison after a night of frivolous activity they were introduced to a man named Rickits, the mayor who told them they needed to help out three people in order to win their freedom, one being a Tortle by the name of Egg, the tavern keep, he needed help with his stock being stolen, being led to some tracks, by the tavern keeps pet mouse, the players came upon a cave that was inhabited by three Goblin when the Goblin were dealt with the players found a horde of gold which they thought was stolen from the bank The players also found Egg’s stock and brought it back to him, and purchased the pet mouse from Egg. Being rewarded with free board for three days and drink for one, Helga stayed behind and drank almost all of the retrieved stock.They then went to talk to the local magic shopkeep, Sineas, who asked them to retrieve mushrooms from the sewers, afterwards returning to the tavern where they rested. The next day they then tried to return "stolen" gold back to the bank, upon arriving at the bank the players witnessed a Gnome being thrown out which sent Borf into a frenzy and he bursted into the bank wanting to fight, the fight was de-escalated by Helga who asked about the gold which was not from the bank, theindel then grabbed them and dragged them out. They then delved into the sewers looking for the mushrooms Sineas previously asked for, taking a left turn being led by the mouse they came upon an empty looking room which was inhabited by a Gelatinous Cube, within moments they destroyed the cube after Tuskborn shot at it. They then found a pouch with The Wand's Want seal on it and solved the puzzle of the room. Upon leaving they decided to explore the sewers and found a wall that was half destroyed and inside was RATMAN and his gaggle of Rats. Defeating RATMAN and his horde, Thimble retrieved two Ratarangs. Returning the mushrooms to Sineas he revealed to Borf he does in fact know the man and that the man, and an enchanter reside in Darwick, and an alchemist lives in the swamps. The alchemist doesn't like visitors. While leaving @the they were approached by Rickits, he then led the group to Lenny. Lenny is a half-mermaid, half-centaur farmer who is having problems with his pigs being taken in the night. Taking a short rest at the farm waiting for the culprit, it is revealed that a Cockatrice is in fact stealing the pigs. Shooting it in the leg allowed a blood trail to be followed. Following the trail led to a path to a bandit camp. Tuskborn speaking with the bandits learns theyre called The Battlecocks and then during an impromptu performance, Helga and Thimble managed to sneak on to the camp's walls killing two guards and setting a few on fire. The battle ensued with the bandits and the Cockatrice. The group won and as a reward Tuskborn now wears their flag as a cloak. They then took a nap.

SESSION 2 • Nasty Necromancy

Entering the temple, the players found a silver pitcher, when Thimble grabbed it they were transported to an unknown realm. When arriving they were greeted with a fight with the only other soul there. When he died they returned to where they started as if time itself reset. They then talked to the man and he said that he has been killed by them several thousand times. They then learned about the seven souls. The man then sent them back, when they arrived back they found Rickits stealing the pitcher and running away. giving chase they found Sineas waiting for them and he directed the players to the abandoned house where Rickits had run to. Searching the house they found Moon unconscious but alive and then they fought the very thing that knocked him out, a banshee. having defeated the banshee and looking at the dollhouse The group eventually found their way into the basement of the house. where several shadows were chanting. The shadows were dealt with quickly as they had not seen the group until it was too late. After a long rest that the bard begged for, they ventured into a fight with Rickits himself. defeating Rickits the players witnessed Rickits soul get absorbed into the silver pitcher, they then grabbed the other pitcher and set off back to the temple, placing the pitcher on the slab co-responding to the runes on the pitcher the soul burst from the jar and flew into the door leaving one of the runes lit after a few stops shopping they witnessed Sineas's shop vanish in thin air, the shopkeep said he was going to be in atford. After purchasing two horses and a cart from Lenny. The team set off north to Darwick. while passing through Smallpeak the team found themselves in a slave camp, passing through the cart's wheel broke leading to a massive battle. they managed to free some gnomes that were imprisoned and defeated all of the guards. soon entering Darwick they stopped at the local enchanter's store. Transporting to another realm they found themselves at Rincewinds Reliquires. Soon four figures emerged from another room. Revealing themselves as different versions of the players. One Tabaxi that was an orange tiger instead of white, a Kobold with one missing tusk, and a fully automated Gnome. They then bought enchantments from Rincewind, one arm, explosive bullets, and a mask.

SESSION 3 • Ugly Undead

The group started in Rincewind's Reliquaries. Thimble asked him what he knew of the 7, and he stated that he knew they all follow a master willingly or not called The Author, and that should go into jars based on how the person or the soul perceives itself to be. During this, the Tuskborn from the other world gave Helga a bow that was imprinted with the seal of a ranger. After a rest they were teleported back to town, the group found the orders for the slavers they defeated in Smallpeak. Ignoring the fortified area they arrived in the mansion that was revealed to be owned by Borf. Searching the mansion they fought two zombies leading to the kitchen. Having arrived in the kitchen the small mouse, Kyle, took a cheese wheel. They then went on to the Library, Thimble found a book entitled Archfey & Archdevils. Then going to the den and arriving at a group of statues the group discovered that they were movable. Then circling to the back of the house they fought three Zombie dogs. Borf was bitten in the fight and subsequently infected. Moving forward they came upon the conservatory discovering that a shambling mound was located within. Which they left alone. Looping back to the door in the hallway they found an office that contained the antidote needed for Borf, and the coin for the Lion statue. Then solving the statue puzzle it gave them a key that was for an upstairs door leading to the master bedroom, Borfs room, and the ballroom. Inside Borfs parent's room, they found Vorhiks journal, which told them about the secret latch in the library. The latch revealed the second coin needed in the main hall. Inserting the coins revealed a stairway opening up and leading into a laboratory of sorts. Vorhik was trying to kill something when they arrived and while being occupied some of the group decided to hide and then Borf threw a dagger at Boondiggles. The battle ensues with Borf and Tuskborn both getting put under control at one point. Borf ripped his head off while in primal form (see wolverine). On Vorhiks body Thimble discovered a wealthy amount of gold and a sapphire ring with the letter B inscribed on it and the deed to the mansion. Handing over the ring and deed to Borf the group decided to stay and live at the Borf Mansion, now known as the Collective Castle. The Collective Camp. The Collective Comradery. The Collective Condo. Either way, the group named themselves The Collective. As Thimble was attempting to retrieve the items left at a temporary shelter she was noticed by a guard across the street who pleaded for her to enter the town's gates for safety. Refusing, to the befuddlement of the guard, she went on to grab their stuff. The group eventually made their way inside the town meeting Maia, Kala, Quillith, and Jelyndys, who were assisting the townsfolk with the monster problem they were having. Agreeing to help the Collective then waited until nightfall for the monster to approach. Soon the monsters did and it at first seemed more than they could handle. But a tactical spell placed by Tuskborn proved useful, and the town's defenses slowed the onslaught of zombies and ogres. Eventually, the two groups decided to celebrate. Having discovered the mansion's alcohol reserves the two groups drank the night away.

SESSION 4 • Broken Bones

The Collective began at Darwick, having been awoken to the thunderous roar that was Thimble shouting breakfast. After breakfast the group split up as Borf went to examine the office and Neg went to check on the zombies downstairs, having found that they were turned he killed them all. The group then went across the town to check on the people and Borf stayed behind to mend the fence. Helping the people tend to the dead bodies, Maia agreed to help clear the mansion as well. Helga revealed she grew up in an orphanage as she went playing with the children at the Darwick Orphanage. Heading to Rincewinds, Neg performed a song and got a Guitar Axe out of it, then having sold the whip Rincewind tossed it. The group also bought a map and asked what the Ship in the Bottle was. Rincewind explained that it had to be thrown in water. After returning and asking for Maia's continued help she asked for payment and was declined. Traveling to the mines. Neg then found a minecart and proceeded to jump in it causing it to roll forwards and then he was subsequently attacked by bats and got the attention of some gnolls. Entering the caves they encountered some gnolls and a Swarm of Bats. Killing them all the group delved deeper into the mines and Thimble flew across a chasm and mined some Source Crystals. Then trying to sell the crystals to Rincewinds the price wasn't worth it, some members of the group got improved weapons and then a LARGE man walked with a scary look on his face and very kindly said hey. His name was Forks. Rincewind not paying attention sent Forks with the group upon their exit. Forks not being from this universe seemed to not care. They traveled to Delman and discovered that Lenny was running for mayor opposite a clergyman. They then went to the temple and placed the pitcher on its corresponding rune. Having seen the same thing happen again the group just left. Then throwing the ship into the water revealed a large ship rising from the sea. They boarded the ship and headed for Cobalt Cove. on the way, they discovered an island that turned out to be a turtle with a tower on top of it. Entering the tower Thimble discovered The Book of Shadows. Mephisto showed up and was attacked by the Tressym that Thimble had with her, Thimble was weakened. He then summoned a Bone Devil. Defeating the Bone Devil left the party injured but stable. Returning to the ship, they continued to Cobalt Cove. Arriving at Cobalt Cove Neg led the group as the rest of them snuck in. He saw a Satyr singing a song, he held his pepperbox at him and he seemed unphased as he introduced his captain who was waiting in the shadows as Captain Nolk, Neg's father. Then they came to an understanding. And had recruited the Sirens to hunt for the people responsible for Neg's mother's death.

SESSION 5 • Sweaty Swamp

Continuing from the ship, the group headed for Twin Bridges. Thimble discovered pipes leading from the mast. After a conversation with Nolk, Neg discovered there was something special about his amulet and that a magic woman in Twin Bridges would know more. Neg then called for a group meeting, Borf confronted Neg about letting pirates on board, while Neg confronted Thimble about Mephisto, they then came to an understanding and Neg soon found the pipes on the ceiling and it led to a large brass container. In the container was a slot for the source crystal they had previously obtained. Borf put one of his into the container and then the ship began to speak to them. They then named the Ship Nekkid Nymph. The ship relayed a message from Borf Sr., Borf tried to reply but couldn't get in touch. Borf revealed that his family were great inventors. They learned the list of commands that the ship can do, including fly. The group discovered a Manticore ship and destroyed it. No quarter was given. Moon was discovered aboard the enemy ship and subsequently rescued. Continuing toward Twin Bridges they made their way down into the swamp and encountered three Ogres. Hiding away from them they avoided conflict. Arriving at the bridges the group encountered three children Chauncy the Human, Nebs the Harengon, and Frilla the Tiefling. They were on their way to get medicine for Chauncy’s mother. Heading to the north side of town the group went with the children to Myltars Medicine. The door is closed at first and trying many times he tells them to go away. Helga convinces him to open the door, he then gives the children the medicine and the kids take off. The alchemist tells the group to leave and slams the door. The group is then led by the children to the southern side of Twin Bridges where they go to the Tavern/Inn. Zivi the Loxodon explains that they are running low on food. Zivi also explains that people have been going missing. Borf buys moonshine. The group purchases rooms. Going to the fisherman's home in the morning they are introduced to Eugene after going up some elevators designed by Borf Industries L.L.C. Eugene talked about the lack of food and the terrible smell from the Swamp and explained where the Magic woman was. Heading to the magic woman, she informs the group that Myltar has some bad juju on him and says to go speak to the sheriff, and Neg gives her his amulet. She reveals that the amulet has ten slotted jewels on it. Neg leaves the amulet for her to identify. Heading to the sheriff for more information they got the bounty for the Manticores and the food issue. The group traveled to the swamp entrance and a faint smell of rot led them to a cave entrance where after Moon went in, he encountered a Hydra. The group fought the Hydra and eventually a Black Dragon came and grabbed it and dragged it into the water. Neg calls out to the Black Dragon and he informs him that he is not hostile, but will be hostile on anything that encroaches on his land. Returning to the village with one of the Hydra’s heads to receive an award. The sheriff informs the group the dragon's name is Ryko the Kind, and the Manticores have a camp up north and are well-reinforced. Going speak with Eugene to let him know the fishing issue is solved. They then find the three children trying to sneak into Myltars, and they sneak with them. Arriving at Myltars Thimble cast Light into the shop to no avail as the light does not penetrate. Myltar scares Borf which Borf replied with a punch. During a heated discussion, Borf dashed into the darkness and there was no response from Borf afterward. Neg then cast reduce on Myltar, then grabbed and threw him outside and had Forks grapple him. While interrogating Myltar, Borf came crawling out of the darkness and explained that he saw a Nabassu a black demon of shadow. On their way to bring Myltar to the sheriff, the door slams shut and Frilla approaches and forces the door open, enters the shop and after a blood-curdling scream, she walks out and explains that the thing is gone. After talking with Thimble and handing her a talisman she casts Feeblemind on Neg for fun. Bringing Myltar to the sheriff they inform him what has happened and Thimble casts cure wounds on Myltar to wake up just to have the sheriff knock him out again. Forks then put him in the cell. In the morning Neg asks the group what happened to him, they explain that Frilla played a joke and he discovers that he had in fact shit himself. Thimble then cast prestidigitation on the group to clean themselves, except for Borf and Moon due to their mechanical parts. Frills then knocks on their door and greets the group, she then joins the group to go after some pirates. They go to their ship and take Frilla with them, who is excited to see it fly. After de-boarding near their goal, they encountered a group of Kobolds and they destroy them. They then climb a hill and see the Manticore camp, Thimble and Forks get spotted and are ambushed by 4 pirates. Engaging in combat with the Manticores, they then discover that there are about 20 of them encamped there. During the fight, Ryko arrives to help as Frilla explains she called for him. Wiping the Manticores and leaving one of them feebleminded they tied him up and Frilla went to speak with the dragon in celestial. He then leaves. The group also found some orders to attack the Theocracy. Resting after the fight and leaving the vampire outside, when the sun rose the vampire exploded. Then a portal opened in the center of the camp a large fiend with large horns arrived. He then says to Frilla its time to come home. Frilla is revealed to be the daughter of Asmodeus. They then looked to the ocean and discovered a fleet of ships coming to attack the theocracy. Leaving Nolk and Jendricks behind, the group went into the Theocracy, led by Thimble. Arriving in the Theocracy the group is approached by a Pixie who asks what they're doing here, and eventually, he decides it is none of his business but sells Borf some mushrooms. Which he eats immediately. Continuing to the large tree they are questioned by a Satyr guard who lets them through. Speaking with Titania and warning her of the incoming invasion she sends some fey troops to attack. Leaving the court and encountering some elves, Helga asks them questions and they are rude. Helga learns that her mother was banished from the Theocracy for mingling with outsiders. Thimble asks about the court of stars and they say they haven't heard anything, since Thimble fucked up. After the elves turn their noses at the group, Thimble makes one of them shit their pants reminding them to watch their tone when speaking to her. Leaving the Theocracy they see Nolk and J tied up in the center of camp. Upon closer inspection they are dead. Thimble raises Nolk from the dead and he explains that they were ambushed by the Manticores. Returning to the ship with J’s body the group returns to Twin Bridges for the Manticore reward, then back to the camp. From the height advantage, they witnessed the fleet being attacked from below by the Treants and a Kraken. One of the ships leaves orbit and the group is surprised to learn that the Nymph can follow it. They then enter Wildspace.

SESSION 6 • Space

When the collective tried to pursue the ship they saw being attacked by Treants and a Kraken they witnessed it speed off at a speed of 41 million miles per hour. Asking The Nekkid Nymph to follow the ship responded with an error, explaining that there was no spelljammer helm on board. After a few minutes of figuring out what to do the ship had located a helm nearby in Twin Bridges. Flying down they saw a small ship hovering above the sheriff's office. When they went into the building they saw the sheriff talking to a woman in sailor garb. The woman was asking if Elakas saw any flying ships, and he responded by saying the only flying ship he saw was the collective’s ship. As the woman turned around to ask more questions, Eugene then walked into the office and was trying to file a report about something crashing into his house. This caught the womans attention and as if on cue a loud bang is heard from outside. When everyone went outside to see what happened, a large crystal had formed, coming out of the ground, and six astral blights were already tearing into the townspeople. Most notably Chauncy, who was killed by one. When the collective started fighting them they proved no match for their combined effort, as they slew one after the other, but as they killed one, another was coming out of the crystal. The woman had then told the group that their efforts would be wasted and the best option would be to retreat. Moving her spelljamming helm to The Nekkid Nymph the group then gathered all the townsfolk onto the ship and made their way back into wildspace. The woman introduced herself, and the spelljammer as Captain Sartell and Flapjack the flumph. As they moved through wildspace the group were attacked by a Space Moth and three Astral Elves came on board. The group delt with them swiftly, but two managed to run away. Soon while traveling they came across a Nautiloid ship. Looking on board they saw a man waving at them. When they approached the man who seemed Human he said his crew was attacked and he needed help as four of his shipmates were injured. The collective being cautious saw through his charade and he revealed himself to be a Psurlon. Fighting him proved no problem as they caused his body to explode as soon as he revealed his true form. Venturing further into the ship the group saw presumed four shipmates as there were other psurlons in wait. Sneaking past them they made their way down into the prison deck and saw a pile of corpses. While examining the bodies, Thimble was thrown into the wall by a Quaggoth that was in the corner of the room. Borf being able to speak to the Quaggoth asked it what it wanted and it replied: food. Borf then told the creature that there was food up a level and when the Quaggoth took off the group heard the screams of the psurlons in the distance. The group then decided to leave the ship. As they were boarding The Nekkid Nymph they saw a spider-like ship encroaching on them from the asteroids. The spider ship was using the Nautiloid as bait. However the spider ship was forced away as two space galleons came out of “warp speed” and attacked it. One of the captains from the ship recognized Sartell and offered an escort to The Rock of Bral. Arriving at the Rock, Sartell bid the group adieu and told the group to look for Captain Krux at The Happy Beholder. Going to the Happy Beholder they saw the owner who is a Beholder named Ḷ̴̞̔͊̀̌a̶͇͎͠ř̶̙͇̲̤͌ǵ̶͈͓e̸̘̬̦̎ ̸̼̝̽̀̏L̴̛̻͌̿̓ų̴̤̗̈́i̶͕̙̹͕͝ğ̸͉̱̗i̴̛̇͜ . Speaking to Krux the group were persuaded to go to Krux’s ship. On their way they were accosted by some Astral Elves. Two were the same elves that escaped them before. Killing three of them, one tried to escape. Helga made sure he didn't get far as an arrow entered his brain. Boarding Krux’s ship he said that the one person he knew that dealt with the crystals before was Topolah and her tower wasn't far from here. The group agreed to go to Topolah’s tower and would follow Krux and his ship to the location. On their way they failed to notice they were being followed as an Esthetic with a Reigar on top of it appeared. A magical doorway opened up on the back of The Nekkid Nymph as the Reigar walked out of it she said “Heading to Topolah’s tower, are we? I don’t think so. My friends in the Xaryxian Empire don’t want you meddling in their affairs” and “But forgive me, I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Hastain. When the elves came looking for a suitable world to nourish their dying star, I suggested yours. It isn’t every day I get to witness the destruction of a planet. I promise, it will end beautifully—even if you’re not alive to see it.”

SESSION 7 • Manticores & Monks


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