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The Fang-Fellers serve a much needed niche in the Holy Kingdom of Azamel.   The kingdom's proximity to Kordac's Scar means there is usually some of its citizenry at Nalin being harassed by the creatures that call that range home.   While the kingdom's forces normally keep them at bay, the orc and goblinoid folks to the south-west in the Hills of Chug occasionally cause havoc for the folks of Vecora or Onza Village. Likewise the Toridash Ocean between Commendor and Torrenda is home to large sea creatures and other horrors of the deep.   These three sources of threats are joined by constant smaller ones and often the military of the kingdom cannot handle everything plaguing its citizens. That is were hunting guilds like the Fang-Fellers are instrumental. The Fang-Fellers serves as the most reputable and widely used hunters guild in the kingdom. Clients of the guild come to it with their problems and the guild finds individuals or groups to help out of its members. Adventures, sell-swords, and others looking for work can often find something to do for the guild. Task for the guild are given a rank that denotes their perceived difficulty or danger. In order of least to greatest these ranks are: Cub, Huntress, Alpha, and Pride.   Cub contracts are often suited for folks lacking any real life or death experience, or who are working alone. These can include tasks as simple as dealing with a troublesome animal pack or more complex ones like guard duty for a caravan.   Huntress contracts tend to revolve around the capture or extermination of dangerous creatures. These are usually taken by a group of skilled adventurers or mercenaries and have an obviously higher risk and reward. These creatures are usually high up the food chain in the natural order or are monstrosities.   Alpha contracts are the most dangerous open contracts that the guild offers. They often involve handling groups of intelligent creatures, incredibly dangerous monstrosities, or other-worldly horrors.   Pride contracts are so dangerous or important that they are not handed openly. A group can give interest in taking a Pride contract, but that just puts them in the pot. The guild will scrutinize its known associates to find the best group suited for the task and that is considered "strong enough to stand a chance". Pride contracts handle a wide range of client requests. Some may have you dispatching something as dangerous as older chromatic dragons, others may see you travelling to other planes of existence, and others are just incredibly important work for the kingdom. Regardless these contracts pay well for those who prove themselves capable to the guild.


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