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The village of Nalin differs from the more relaxed settlements in the Holy Kingdom of Azamel. Its precarious placement to Kordac's Scar and the edge of the kingdom keeps the village on a tight alert. Though relations with the Grand Duchy of Ruckoya are stable at the moment, the land north east of Nalin served as the front during confrontations. The lingering scars of those battles have led the village into a more defensive posture. Immediately visible is a wooden palisade of sorts that surrounds the village on all sides but the west which butts against the river. Lady Elenor Caberet rules the village and has the support of the vast majority of its people. Though she is young they do believe her fair and wise. 
The nature of the Scar and its many monstrosities has turned Nalin into a hub for hunters and adventurers looking for respite. For many it is the last bit of civilization they see before venturing into more dangerous territories, or the first sign of refuge after daring said areas.
This unique foot traffic has made for interesting business opportunities. Two inns thrive in a village of only a few hundred people. The Garden Lodge is on the north west corner of the village offering quick shelter to those hunting off that end of the village. The Cozy Caravan is closer to the south east village entrance, and is the more common stop for folks traveling to and from the Duchy. Those looking to blow of steam can find their way to Carnal Delights which offers all sorts of "entertainment". 
This clientele also means good business for the smithy of the town Carjon's. Owned by a nobleman Anthony Carjon, but operated by a skilled artisan named Mardel Truberg. Likewise the local general store has done well for its owner noblewoman Lauraline Bradwick. It is managed by a half-elf Edward Skonz.


Lady Elenor Caberet runs this small village. As most lords and ladies of the Holy Kingdom, she is a priestess of Solas first and ruler second. She is assisted by Guardmaster Grant Thernwald and Mother Ceresa Lindhrut, the high judge of the village.


The proximity of this village to both Kordac's Scar and the edge of the empire has caused it to be built with a minor fort in place as well as ramparts that are patrolled on the outskirts of the village. During the resistance of Ruckoya, Nalin was nearest the front lines of the war and has remained in a defense posture even after the conflicts drew to an end.


Access to the west rivers provides a watermill with power for processing crops and grain.
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