
God of Humanity, Strength and Domination.

Father of Humanity

Dimdall was the god of humanity and perfection in the Imperial pantheon. His place in the pantheon shifted significantly following the rise of Emperor Sigmund the Exhalted when, even during his time as crown prince he was used his significant influence over the empire due to his grandfather's significant age, he was raised by the theocratic bureaucracy of the empire to be the head of the pantheon while other gods were outlawed or enforced to be worshiped differently. Following his coronation in the year 864 AoM, Emperor Sigmund gained great divine power, claiming the power of the Father of Humanity had been passed on to a worthy host and he had inherited said power as the new, destined god of the world. Now, places once devoted to Dimdall are devoted to God-Emperor Sigmund the Exalted as they are taught to be one in the same.

Holy Books & Codes

Dimdall Opus - the most holy book of Dimdallian religion. It tells the story of the birth, death, ascension and teachings of Dimdall.

Tenets of Faith

Dimdallians believed that humanity is the greatest of all species in the world and is destined to rule over all others.
They abhored racism and sexism among their own species.
They sought to spread the species of humanity all across the world, clean of the blood of other species.
They sought to become superior in all things, learning from the other species if only to surpass them in the end.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Dimdall is said to be the perfect being, human in form. Strong yet lithe, noble and dignified.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Birth of Humanity

The following is the account of the Opus of Dimdall, the Dimdallian's most holy book.
In the distant past, Dimdall is believed to have been the first human, created by the World itself as her child. When he grew lonely in his existence she created for him a partner, Aestarte, Mother of Humanity. Alone, the gods of other species worried little as there was no way for him to reproduce, but, now with a mate, they began to worry about the future of their own species future.
Dimdall posed a threat to all other species for he was the beginning of a possible species of perfect beings, capable of surpassing the intellect of the elves, the strength of orcs, the ingenuity of dwarves, and the inquisitiveness of gnomes. Fearing the future of their own species, the other various species worked together to ensure that such beings would never become dominant in the world. They visited Dimdall on the day of his marriage to Aestarte and presented him with a gift of wine offering a toast to his and his bride's long lives and many offspring. Dimdall knew their treachery, but would not show cowardice and dishonor in refusing such a gift, and so he drank. The poisoned wine did it's foul work quickly.
So angered and sorrowful was the World at the loss of her child that it threatened to break itself apart at the sight of Dimdall's demise. The will of the World was so great, in fact, that it raised him back up, but not as a mortal, as a god. In the time that followed Aestarte gave birth to many of his children. Children who spread far and wide across the world. Who grew and adapted to every form of habitat. Children whose very purpose was to rule over the world that had birthed their mother and father.

Humanity Led Astray

As time passed, the other gods worked tirelessly to undermine Dimdall's teachings, urging his decedents to turn away from him. Such was the curiosity of men their downfall, and eventually few honored their father any longer, turning from their birthright. Dimdall turned away in sorrow, hoping for the day in which his children would once again listen to him, of the day when his rival gods would no longer be able to drown out his voice and his children would rise up and fulfill their ultimate goal.


Contacts & Relations

Dimdall has difficult, if not antagonistic, relations with most of the gods since they are the ones who led his people astray from his teachings.
He is said to have been joined by his wife Aestarte after her passing and she is worshiped to a lesser degree by the Church of Humanity, giving her a similar role as the one Casdia fills for the rest of Harental.
Fate of Dimdall (SPOILER!)
During the year 846 AoM, a group of Nordic adventurers on a quest for the Norns acquired an artifact from the draugr Rainer Tryggvason who had kept themselves in an undead state in order to guard the artifact from falling into the wrong hands, for the artifact held a malevolent sentience. Through their travels, they discovered the nature of the sentience to be one originally tied to, but separated from the Chained Twilight. It attempted to convince it's carrier of its "helpful nature" in an attempt to draw them in and take them over, but failed, and as the group closed in on their final goal, the sentience was faced through means provided by the Norns sending the minds of the heroes into the artifact.
Within the artifact, the sentience took their form and named themselves as Dimdall, Father of Humanity and God of Perfection. There, in the confines of the object that it once used in an attempt to become an actor upon the world again, the sentience, the mind and thoughts, of the one known to the Aestarans as Dimdall was defeated.
In their defeat, the power it left behind and the body it had abandoned in search of a host remained somewhere deep within Aestara until the power was claimed by the new god of perfection, humanity, and war, God-Emperor Sigmund. 

Title(s): Perfect Being, Father of Humanity, World's Chosen
Symbol: Hand holding a glowing orb
Adjective: Dimdallian
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Areas of Concern: Humanity, Strength, Perfection, Superiority, Conquest, Tyranny, Purification
Worshipers: Aestarans, Humans, Tyrants, Conquerors, Warriors, Perfectionists, Those who work to see humanity rise above all others
Domains: War, Order, Glory
Favored Weapon: Greatsword
Sacred Animal: Wolf or Lion
Sacred Colors: Black and Red
Divine Classification
Dead/Inherited Power
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization
Depiction of Aestarte, Mother of Humanity


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