Bright Inquisitors

Bright Inquisitors are an order of religious warriors equipped with knowledge and skills that make them a force to be reckoned with, one-man-armies in service to the Emperor and their god. It is not known how many of these beings exist. It is believed to be few, but even those few have done more single-handedly than entire squads of experienced troops have in the past.


Most Inquisitors are said to be recruited through the Sanctified Blades. The training and process to become an Inquisitor is so incredibly difficult that most who are chosen to undertake the challenge do not make it through. Other promising recruits are those naturally magically inclined - usually those born with sorcerous power and given to the ministry at a young age to be converted - and those few but increasing number born within the heart of Aestara with natural psionic gifts. Regardless of those who are chosen to undergo the test, only the most loyal are considered and only one or two out of any group of candidates have ever made it through the testing process to Ascension at a time.


The Inquisitors are a part of the Bright Ministry, but they are not able to be commanded by any but the highest ranked of the Order of Doctrine or the Emperor himself.
The Inquisitors have no hierarchy that is known among them. They see those in the Order of Doctrine as below them as well but listen to their commands as is necessary. Their true leader is the Aestaran Emperor, Sigmund Norgaarde.


The Inquisitors are known for being the most devout of all Aestaran citizens, wholely devoted to the Emperor and their god, Dimdall. They are all considered the highest priests of the church of Humanity.

Public Agenda

They serve the Emperor without question, deployed at his will to stamp down uprisings and bring the divine judgement of Dimdall and his chosen people upon dissidents.


The Inquisitors boast the greatest of weaponry and armor available to the Empire. They are rumored to hold secret knowledge that grants them their divine power.


It is unknown when the first Inquisitor was granted their power, but the first record of an Inquisitor taking action is only eight years ago. Since then, they have had a growing influence within the Empire.

In His name.

Founding Date
Unknown. (<40 years ago)
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Mage-Hunters, Inquisitors
Training Level
Parent Organization

Rumors & Public Knowledge

Inquisitors never show their face. To look upon the face of an Inquisitor is to look into the face of a being blessed with godly power. It is blasphemous to attempt such a thing. Those who do look upon their faces risk suffering great mental distress or death due to the pure perfection of their form, therefore they wear masks and hoods.
Inquisitors walk through shadows. Inquisitors are able to appear in a place in an eyeblink and move with the swiftness of a lightning bolt. As such it is believed that they move through the shadows themselves. It's possible they also are able to listen through them.
Inquisitors can peer into your very soul. They gaze of an Inquisitor pierces both flesh and spirit. They can read intentions and decipher deceptions of even the most practiced liars.
Inquisitors are immortal. Inquisitors are blessed with long life, perhaps eternal life, with which they serve their god. They are also rumored to have no need of sleep.
Inquisitors are hunters of the blasphemous and traitorous. Inquisitors hunt wizards and sorcerers who perform their blasphemous arts in secret. They stamp out all threats to the Emperor's reign and power.

This article has no secrets.


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