Sigmund the Exalted

God-Emperor Sigmund (a.k.a. Inheritor of Divinity)

God-Emperor Sigmund the Exalted, born Tristan Brunsvolde, is the current Emperor of the Holy Empire of Aestara. He was crowned Emperor early in year 846 AoM, though in truth he had been granted almost complete control of political decisions in the years leading up to this due to his grandfather's, Emperor Magnus', old age. His coronation followed swiftly after Magus' death, eschewing the traditional period of morning for the passed sovereign in favor of establishing his rule and agenda.
His first order as emperor forbade the already extremely limited allowance of arcane magic in the Empire, focusing mainly on the territories of Vanheim and the city of Narel where such magic was allowed under heavy restrictions. Along with this, he declared the worship of gods of magic, specifically Vestus and Synne, illegal. This religious restriction extended to other gods of the Imperial Pantheon such as Umos and Bahamut. Most religious beliefs not of the Empire were also deemed illegal.
  In mid 846 AoM the newly crowned emperor sent a blockade to hold trade ships from the city of Faer Orthad, capital of the small magocratic nation of Dracia, from entering Aestaran waters. Following the destruction of his ships, he declared war on the country his predecessor had granted independence just under fifty years prior following the resolution of the Purge. At the end of the year a force was sent to siege the capital city of Dracia but was forced to retreat when the allied forces of the mages of Dracia and the Blood-Arrow Kingdom of orcs were too much for the smaller force to deal with. The Dracians, however, did not stop at repelling the battalion of imperial soldiers, deciding to march south on their own crusade and take the city of Vanheim.
  While these events occurred, Emperor Sigmund gained divine power through means unknown, claiming it to be granted as an inheritance from the Father of Humanity who had passed their divinity to him, and ascended to ranks akin to empyreans with newfound and growing godhood unbound. Sigmund the Exalted was named God-Emperor Sigmund and with his newfound power he led his armies to the city of Vanheim and visited divine justice upon the would-be rulers of his city. Following the quick and absolute defeat of the invaders, he led his forces north to Faer Orthad, and with him at the front of his army, flying overhead on divine wings, the city fell in the later half of year 847 AoM, disappearing if not destroyed by the mages' attempts to escape with their city elsewhere. The city of Faer Orthad was his first major victory and the beginning of his new crusade.
  The Empire claims the year 847 AoM is the first year of a new age, the Age of the Divine. Sigmund now works to consolidate his power in Harental before marching his armies south into continents beyond his borders. Under his rule, more religious institutions have been illegitimated or modified by imperial decree. The churches to Dimdall, god of humanity, have become places of worship for the God-Emperor, the clear inheritor of Dimdall's power and authority.

Divine Domains

Order, War


The God-Emperor holds two items of significance: A gauntlet of form-fitting plates of jade on his left hand, and an immaculate, ornate black-bladed greatsword he wields with supreme authority. He also wears a set of ornate black and gold plate armor.

Holy Books & Codes

Dimdall Opus - As the divine successor to the Father of Humanity, Sigmund's church still holds true to the teachings of Dimdall, but have begun establishing their own holy writings based on the teachings of the Opus as well.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A flaming sword over the image of a halo.

Tenets of Faith

  • Hold no god above the Father of Humanity whose power and divinity have be rendered unto the Holy Emperor and now walks the world once more. The God-Emperor is the god of this world.
  • Humanity must Rule. This world is our birthright, and all other races are to kneel to the divine right of humanity.
  • Humanity must survive. We must be fruitful and multiply for we are to cover the world in multitudes.
  • Humanity must not sully their bloodline with that of their lessers. Do not bind yourself to those of inferior blood.
  • The World is ours and we must safeguard it.
  • The Arcane is a blight upon the World, consuming its very lifeblood. We must suffer no wizard to live to exploit her.
  • Humanity must spread to all lands. Conquer all who oppose the rightful rule of humanity.
  • Suffer not the weak or infirm for they only weaken us.
  • Dragons are an evil only bent on taking from us our destiny.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Bring the world under his rule with humanity at the forefront.
Oppose the Arcane at every turn and ensure that any who dares use it meets a swift and painful end.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Sharp facial features, intense look, clean-shaven.

Special abilities

As the God-Emperor's influence over his empire has been more thoroughly asserted, his divine power has begun to grow exponentially over the last few years. While the full extent of his power is yet unknown, the Emperor is rumored to have the ability to embolden and defend the troops at the front lines of his battles, nullify arcane magic with a wave of his hand, command great control over radiant energy, and enthrall his enemies into turning on their fellows simply by looking upon him.
  He is also rumored to be able to grant clerics of his church power like any other god.

Apparel & Accessories

Always dresses immaculately, but not gaudily.

Mental characteristics


After his father's death to sickness, Sigmund was sent to a monastery by his grandfather to learn the ways of law, combat, religion and literature from the Bright Ministry. Under their tutelage he became an extremely competent paladin, dedicated to the teachings of the god of humanity, Dimdall. During these years, he also was sent abroad at the behest of his grandfather, escorted by his religious tutors and priests, to the Free City of Zarrath to study (a fact that, now especially, the colleges he attended brag about) as his grandfather did.


Following his return to the capital, he became invested in the inner workings of the Ministry and the Empire, often taking charge of situations his grandfather was unable to in his old age. He headed the Inquisition directly and directed several meaningful operations within the Order of Doctrine.

Wealth & Financial state

All of Aestara's wealth by law belongs to the Emperor. All lands belong to him as well. He allows those who serve him faithfully to use them and live on them.
Divine Classification
Empyrean, Chosen (Inheritor), Lesser Godly Power
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Securing his dominion over the continent of Harental.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
His Eminence
Inheritor of Divinity
Chosen of Dimdall
Pontiff Immaculate
Grand Marshal of the Radiant Host
Most Ardent of Inquisitors
Irradiant Conqueror
Heir to the Wisdom of Gods
God Who Walks the World
Date of Birth
36th of Final Hunt, 822 AoM
Year of Birth
822 PR 7786 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Mother died during childbirth, father was sickly, but he was a strong child. Many stories around events such as great storms or divine providence during his birth.
Aestara, Aestara
Current Residence
Aestara, Aestara
Shining, golden (formerly Light brown)
Red, Long, Wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly Tanned
7'7" (formerly 5'9")
285 lb (formerly 175 lb)
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
The God-Emperor in battle.


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