Clan Bjorn

Clan Bjorn lives in the northeastern region of the continent and along the Crystal Spear Mountains north of them where they push back against the incursion of a troll kingdom in the frozen waste beyond them. They are stalwart protectors and well-adapted for surviving the harsh cold of the north. Unlike their wolfen kin, the clan of the bear excels in small combat groups rather than dozens of warriors fighting side-by-side. Each member is expected to be able to handle themselves both on and off the battlefield. This by no means implies that they are a selfish society, the clan of the bear holds close the traditions of hospitality and community, but one must always be ready to fend for themselves in the frozen north. Women of this tribe are encouraged to become warriors more than other clans, often known as shield-maidens. A select few have even taken to attempting to tame and ride bears into battle.


Clan Bjorn has been the subject of a slow attrition of its territory following the dissolution of Clan Hjort and the claiming of territories once held by them. Clan Ulfur has slowly edged in on their lands with Drage taking advantage of the their distraction in times of conflict to claim land further north, the latest victim being the settlement of Brakentoft. While Bjorn has held out against the hostilities to either border, they have also been under constant vigilance of the growing unification of ice trolls north of the Crystal Spear Mountains that have started calling their civilization Troldheim, leaving their formerly lauded military capability split and lacking as the trolls perform raids over the mountains.


Their military is similar to the other clans with one exception. A group of soldiers are split into small groups, often pairs. When possible these pairs are familial groups such as spouses or siblings who train to act in unison as a cohesive unit independently on the battlefield, acting as an extension of each other's combat ability on the field.

Foreign Relations

Generations of conflicts with their neighbors and dedication to their self-appointed charge in the north has led to a sorry lack of close allies, the closest of which are either on the other side of the continent or decline to take part in their conflicts.

Agriculture & Industry

Most heavy agriculture is done in select areas of fertile soil, but supply of most vegetables and fruits are handled through trade. The Bjornish are industrially strong in their production of steel and steel tools. While they lack the expertise of the Geit, they have more access to venues of trade with the Munn and their own ports out of Binordheim. Due to their desire to keep good relations with the Ursen off the eastern coast, they abstain from waling in those seas, but do purchase the oil from other clans when they are able to get it while they work to create their own fuels and alchemical concoctions.
Geopolitical, Clan
Alternative Names
Clan of the Bear
  • Hel's Gate 
  • Drakewatch
Major Exports
  • Furs
  • Timber
  • Iron, Nickel, Gold and Copper ore
  • Steel goods
  • Diamonds
  • Fish
Major Imports
  • Grain
  • Fruits
  • Spices
  • Cloth (linen, cotton, etc.)
  • Silver
  • Oil
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities
Three Words: Uncompromising, Defensive, Close-knit
Colors: Ice Blue, White, Black


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