A Missed Caravan!

General Summary

An anxious Oliver was so caught up in their research they lost track of time led to the party being left behind. Upon arriving the Presictor of the Library quickly ushered you all into the covered wagon so a massive rook could carry everyone and the goods down to the city proper where a few horses were waiting and quickly saddles and harnessed to the wagon upon arrival. After traveling for a few hours, the vegetation around the wagon began to creep inward, slowly at first, then fast enough to catch a rushing wagon. All of the leaves and foilage appeared to coalesce around a mysterious stone creating a vaguely humanoid figure in the back of the wagon. Upon interrogation, the party found the being, named Stela, had been kidnapped and their gemstone eyes sold away leaving them blind. Finally, the party approached what appeared to be the caravan they had been trying to reach, but due to a washed out road with still trickling water, the party chose to make camp on the other side.  

Total XP: 130 (130)

  • 50xp for intros
  • 30xp for party RP with Stela joining the party
  • 30xp for catching up to the caravan
  • 10xp for Oliver's RP of being late and general anxiousness
  • 10xp for Urad pulling Oliver through the cart
  • 10xp for Caldwell's RP with the wagoneer
  • 10xp for Bahubat RP with Urad
  • 10xp for Wiloc's1 use of the rumors


  • Respect for dogs (Oliver)
  • Trust in their safety (Wagoneer #1)

Rewards Granted

  • Newfound fear of heights (Urad)
  • Conrasu friend (party sans Stela)
  • Group of friends (Stela)
  • Severe fear of death caused by ignorance (Bahubat)
  • First PVP (Oliver...sensing a pattern forming)
1 Wiloc was being puppeteered by Besella
Report Date
03 Jun 2023
Secondary Location
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