Dragons Past Dusk

General Summary

The party made camp across the dwindling stream and set up a watch. During Bahubat's watch, he heard a defeaning roar from the caravan and quickly woke the others. Wiloc1 was unable to be woken, however, and attempting to bring Wiloc's1 apparently lifeless form with the party angered Coda. Eventually, the party turned their focus to the more immediate danger of the dragon. Joining into the fray, Bahubat and Urad were able to surmise that the guard were a ruse, and the dragon was actually a pet of one of the imprisoned merchants.  

Total XP: 80 (210)

30xp for Bahubat RP investigating the wagons and finding the captured merchants 30xp for Wiloc1 RP being dead then...not dead 10xp for Oliver RP for staying with the wagon (not fun as a player, but made sense in character) 10xp for Urad first rage

Rewards Granted

  • A newfound (dis?)respect for difficult terrain (Party + DM)
  • A friendly dragon caravan companion
  • Some roughed up merchants to interact with
  • Closure on the suspicions that the guards were most definitely bad guys (everyone but Oliver)
1 Wiloc was being puppeteered by Besella
Report Date
10 Jun 2023
Primary Location
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