Attack of the Vrusken

General Summary

Seeing a vrusken emerge from the earth to attack one of the sheep, the party sprung into action. Initially, the party found their opponents easily outmanned, until Stela noticed one of the large creatures had moved toward the party before a massive ankhrav burst forth as well followed by another shortly thereafter. Taking some heavy hits, the party was able to drive the creatures away but only temporarily. After initially planning to leave with their reward, Oliver's guilty conscience had the party stay one more night.  

Total XP: 145 (33) LEVEL UP

  • 120xp for combat (2 ankhrav, 6 vrusken)
  • 25xp for saving sheep (40 available, -5 for each one killed (3 not counting the one the farmer killed))
Report Date
21 Oct 2023
Primary Location
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