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General Summary

The party chose to rest before following the hastily made tunnel back to the ankhrev nest early in the morning. While the others slept, Caldwell and Besella found Penko's hidden stash and avoid some simple traps to reveal the contents. Finding a meager savings, they chose to take a couple copper for their efforts and put everything back where they found it. As the party traversed the tunnel, they found some blood in the tunnel that appeared to be recent before the tunnel opened out into a cavernous nest. Slinking around the party caught the creatures unawares during their meal and dispatched the entire nest.  

Total XP: 190 (223)

  • 140xp for anhrev battle
  • 30xp for Caldwell/Besella RP in robbing the farmer of a couple copper and working together to do so
  • 10xp for Bahubat/Stela RP talking about Giggle and discussion about handling the cold as the party approaches Slovengaard
  • 10xp for Oliver RP for a clutch use of Burrowing Ward

Rewards Granted

  • A new partner in crime (Caldwell)
  • 1 cp each for Caldwell and Besella from the farmer's coffers
  • A host of critical strikes (whole party)
  • First HDYWTDT (new Bahubat)
Report Date
03 Nov 2023
Primary Location
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