Checked Out

General Summary

Oliver went to the Library of Gorgos after receiving a summons the night before for his trial. Stela, Gourm, and Besella accompanied him to the portal, but was required to stay in the outdoor cloister surrounding the portal while Oliver faced his trial alone, or rather with a cuddling Giggle wrapped in his whispy hair upon his shoulder.   Chazk Bristlescale was the first to speak, laying the charges before Oliver and giving him a chance to defend himself. Then Andarin Silverlight spoke next reminding him of the oaths he had taken to ensure only those worthy were to know the information in the library and gave Oliver time to explain how he held up those values. Finally the Prime Veritus, Barisan, asked a simple test of character and humility: "Are you an honest person?" Oliver responded in the affirmative even as his spellcasting secret burned in his mind. The council voted, leading to a tie. Barisan, whose penetrating gaze had registered Oliver's inner conflict to the final question broke the tie in favor of expulsion. Oliver Clayhead was no longer an archivist.   Moments before, a bloodied halfling man had run into the cloister warning the inhabitants, including the other party members, of prisoners escaping and wrecking havoc in town. He was permitted inside where he once again passed on the news to the presictors, the Prime Veritus, and Oliver.  

Total XP: 60 (930)

  • 50xp for Oliver RP in handling the trial and expulsion
  • 10xp for Stela RP in attempting to help with Giggle


  • His job and status (Oliver)
  • His responsibilities (Oliver)
  • Two spell slots to heal the villager and an attempt to speak with Oliver through Giggle (Stela)
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