Spriteful Anger

General Summary

With various weapons and armor being augmented at the blacksmith, Gourm and Caldwell spent the next few days out of combat. Gourm spent his efforts moving through various shops and stands as a roving chef sharing meals he has learned from his travels for a few coin. Caldwell took a more noble approach, or rather attempting to bring a noble down. He hastened the departure of the arrogant, deep-pocketed lord who had bought his way to winning the Gorgames though his efforts in collecting a placed bounty fell short.   Having spent hundreds of hours converting vitraxine wizard spells into something more useful to his innate abilities through the use of vitraxine ink, Oliver began to wonder if they could create a consumable allowing them to capture the essence of a spell on a page. They built their own tutelage under a somewhat unwilling Professor Gibbitz to better understand the inner workings of crafting.   @Stela worked with Giggle once more to have more fine grained control over his movements during battle. They also spent time in the Temple of Mora using their oracular gifts after spending much of their funds on gathering spells to power their new staff. Besella was able to finish their ritual, bringing Coda back into the party fold.   The day before the meeting with the Grand Veritus, the party split with Besella, Gourm , and Caldwell going to the prison to speak with the prisoners while the other two met with Professor Gibbitz once more to continue training. The commendation letter allowed easy passage to speak with the prisoners. Initially, Kif , was focused on feigning innocence though after she admitted to being a previous victim of theirs rather than their normal legal-driven visitors, he turned to derision. His brother, Arnoc, appeared disturbed, picking at a gash on their side and muttering to themselves. Kif claimed it was due to their imprisonment and did admit to harming Arnoc in supposed self defense. Besella was able to verify information about furthering her search into Slovengaard and more information on what the vitraxine was being used for.  

Total XP: 90 (870)

  • 50xp for party downtime activities
  • 30xp for Besella RP in collecting information from the prisoners
  • 10xp for Oliver Clayhead RP in skipping the prison to continue work on retraining


  • 2sp for setting up a fortune telling stand (Stela)
  • 45gp for preserving rune attached to Spacious Pouch (Besella)
  • Ability to participate in body horror scene (Kylee)
  • Whereabouts of the escaping lord (Caldwell)
  • Peace and quiet (Gibbitz)
  • Her cool (Besella)

Rewards Granted

  • Items (re)gathered from various shops after repairs/creation (whole party)
  • 12g, 5s for cooking income (Gourm)
  • 6g for performance income (Besella)
  • 2g, 7s for fortune-telling income (Stela)
  • 4/7 days in training Stride for Giggle (Stela)
  • 6/7 days in retraining from Deception to Crafting (Oliver)
  • Uneasy feelings and anger about the twins (Besella)
  • A smugness for ruining a lord's reputation (Caldwell)
Report Date
29 Jun 2024
Primary Location
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