Delayed Consequences

General Summary

Once awake, the party decided to enter the Library, forgoing the Games. Bahubat attempted throwing first bands than an entire kobold across the barrier to gather intel about the cost before Oliver chose to walk through, thinking about entering the Library. His band split cleanly and disabled and soon the rest of the members followed suit. Upon reaching the other side, all of the items were reset as though the games had ended. Bahu'bat led the party through the portal, teleporting them to the location of the Library. Upon entering, a gremlin with ink covered hands called a scrit let out an alerting screech and combat ensued between the party and a dozen or so gremlins. Upon killing the creatures, the cost of delay became apparent. Librarians lay dead among the shredded remains of hundreds of books. Decades of knowledge and life lost due to the invaders. With heavy hearts, the party moved down a winding staircase into a small room lit by bright oscillating lights through smoked glass.  

Total XP: 174 (713)

  • 144xp for scrit and gnagrif encounter
  • 30xp for the party figuring out how to get through the barrier


  • 16 bolts (Bahubat)
  • 4 bands that are greyed out, including watch face, with a time of 3:56 (entire party)

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Report Date
16 Dec 2023
Primary Location
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