A Gnoll's Fury

General Summary

Exiting the gear filled room, the party found themselves in a clock tower. Each clock face glowed a different hue, each matching a season. They appeared to be powered by large vitraxine rods with hands spinning wildly. During his inspection, Oliver found that there was in fact someone else in the room, hidden from Stela's auditory view due to the grinding of gears throughout. Initially the party tried reasoning with the barbarian but after Bahubat's closing the space, and Oliver spitefully claiming they would follow the barbarian's party, a fight ensued. Calling upon the magic in the tower, the barbarian brought forth scarecrow-like undead to help in the fight, but they were no match and quickly subdued. Recognizing defeat was imminent, the Elvish woman laid down her arms in hopes of protecting her sister who was also hired by the gnome leader.    

Total XP: 162 (875)

  • 132xp for barbarian and thatchling encounter
  • 20xp for getting information on the party's goals from the barbarian
  • 10xp for Oliver RP to threaten the barbarian after the loss of the librarians

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Report Date
13 Jan 2024
Primary Location
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