
Gorgos, as the deity of war, invention, and machinations, has many followers. Soldiers and guards may find kinship in his combat prowess. Politicians, though more likely to follow Calcus, may find his scheming particularly useful as they climb the ladder. Even kinder souls will worship him in the hopes of innovating in their appropriate fields. Most of his followers are not warmongering, but that is not true of the Volskra.   The Volskra are a faction of gnomes dedicated to bringing Gorgos, either avatar or his entirety, to this realm. While their stated goal is unlimited innovation through war, the atrocities they are willing to commit show an organization focused on violence and gore. Due to this, their numbers tend to swell and dwindle with great irregularity, building to a powerful crescendo then falling into a bloody silence until a new leader takes the baton leading them on to war once more. The current leader, Portia Rizzpot, is rumored to be an innate wizard, someone who is able to pull their magic from within rather than by relying on vitraxine talismans or external patron.


The organizational structure is relatively flat as most dispotic regimes are. The primary leader, Portia Rizzpot, has a few close generals, most notably Rott, who help keep the cult in line. As the primary goal is innovation and not riches, the leadership is more generous with the spoils of war which helps ensure compliance in the ranks. They do keep a significant chunk as continued support for their ongoing military campaigns.

Public Agenda

Their stated agenda is to progress the humanites to ever greater levels of innovation. Humanites, and humans in particular, develop their most powerful innovations under pressure, and of those pressure there is no greater than war. The Volskra truly believe that their drive for bloodshed is meant to progress humanites as a whole, and the losses are merely the consequences necesary to reach the soaring heights the world is capable of.


The Volskra have been stockpiling the magical ore vitraxine and any processed magical items. The Oiled Hand has recently acquired a Volskra leader who has been using their vast network of thieves and bandits to further accelerate the collection of vitraxine.   Some of the vitraxine collected has been used to produce various war machines. Additionally, there are rumors of Gorgian forces being used in ongoing skirmishes in northern Slovengaard. The creation of Gorgians are unique to the Volskra cult and their predecessors.


Due to the nature of the organization, the Volskra are doomed to live a short but devestating tenure on the continent of Taisunia. These cults develop in the early stages of Gorgos's return from his chrysalis and will grow into a powerful tyrannical state. Their constant bloodshed will unite the entire continent against them eventually leading to their annhilation. If the rumor of Portia Rizzpot being able to cast spells without vitraxine are to be believed, there is serious concern that the united continent may not be enough this time however.   Previous to the Volskra, the Polemeni were a Mouri cult similar in nature that helped bring the last avatar of Gorgos to Taisunia leading to the creation of the Crimson Slate. There are other organizations, such as the Yuddi and Cogadh cults, that also were bent on world domination and used Gorgians to build their empires.

Peace is unrealized invention

Founding Date
Predecessor Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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