Grave Misunderstanding

General Summary

As the party found themselves nearing Library of Mora, a thick fog enveloped them. Eerie sounds and whispers bounced amongst the mist, though even Stela's unique perception seemed unable to find their source. With the party's concern mounting, Oliver detected a general magic aura from within the fog and, once dispelled by Stela, the fog went silent.   As they continued pressing on along the path, massive shapes peered out of the fog: enormous tombstones and sarcophagi littered the grounds leading up to the city walls. As the path neared one of the massive structures, Stela recognized movement within. Oliver used Message to reach out to the creatures inside and was surprised to receive not just an answer but one in the common tongue and tinged with confusion over malice. Realizing there were people inside but not knowing how to enter, the party continued on to the city walls in hopes of learning more. The city was barren, with a few members darting from building to building weapons flashing in the rare light that split the mist. Caldwell struck up a conversation with one and noted that while they were wearing weapons, they seemed to be there only for show.   They found their way to a dark, dingy inn where they were surprised to find the innkeeper frustrated when they helped clean the inn. Again, the dark aesthetic appeared more for show than purpose, and the innkeeper found himself sending for Trazden when Oliver continued to ruin the ambience.   Frustrated by the lack of decorum he expected (and slightly worn from a near death experience recently), Caldwell confronted Trazden after finding the whole display was meant as a joke and charade for passerby. Empathizing with the not-a-bandit, he offered to cover their stay over the next few days. He also divulged the purpose of the tombstones and sarcophagi; they are communes for the cityfolk to leave unaffected by others if they so choose which is why no slums were found on the outskirts of the city.  

Total XP: 90 (688)

  • 50xp for whole RP in creatively chasing down the internal works of the massive tombstones
  • 20xp for Caldwell RP in confronting Trazden about the poorly executed joke
  • 10xp for Oliver RP in tormenting the innkeeper until he got his answers
  • 10xp for Stela/Gourm RP in keeping the uniqueness of Mora followers to themselves

Rewards Granted

  • Free room and board for 3 nights (whole party)
  • A mite of curiosity quenched (Oliver)
  • A small inkling of the humor of the Library of Mora (Caldwell who was not a fan)
Report Date
07 Sep 2024
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