Set in Stone

General Summary

Awaking in the cave the next morning, Gourm and Caldwell both noticed an unusually straight line of dust at the back of the cave. It became clear there was a hidden door which Caldwell began to investigate discreetly, then not so discreetly after breaking a pick in the door, though the villagers seemed only mildly concerned by his mannerisms and not what he had found. They left after receiving a gracious sum of three platinum from Gourm.   Alone, Caldwell gave up on finesse, using a crowbar to crack the door open with some help from Oliver's Weaken Earth. Once pried open, Caldwell notice a tripwire and deftly maneuvered over it. He then slipped open the lid and jumped suddenly back as a bladed pillar shot forth from the ground beneath him, narrowly avoiding any injury before dismantling it. Hearing the kerfuffle, Besella on Coda strode through the doorway to check on Caldwell...and right into the tripwire. A heavy sharpened axe fell from a hidden slot in the door slashing into Besella and mortally wounding Coda before finding itself stuck in the wall on the other side. Besella and Stela focused on healing the unconscious corgi.   Caldwell, meanwhile, brought the chest out into the room and split the treasure amongst the group. Apparently left by a thief or someone expecting to get out of town, funds and items for a quick getaway were found inside. Knowing the door was damaged in the process of opening, the party left the empty chest and headed northward once more before the owner arrived. A storm blew in, leading to a sullen ride along the road. A partially toppled cairn caught the party's eye, but upon finding nothing during investigation moved on. Besella, between the rain and worry for Coda was unable to rest finding themselves fatigued. Still, the party finds themselves a day or so away from the Library of Mora.  

Total XP: 94 (598)

  • 20xp for spinning blade pillar trap
  • 4xp for scythe blades trap
  • 30xp for Caldwell RP in finding a way through the door and checking for traps multiple times
  • 20xp for Gourm RP in giving money to the villager refugees
  • 10xp for Oliver RP for using Detect Magic to help in the search for traps
  • 10xp for Besella RP in handling Coda going down


Rewards Granted

Report Date
31 Aug 2024
Primary Location
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