Loaded Treasure

General Summary

Using the poisonous gas to protect itself, the scrapborn continued to lob refuse at the party causing them to once more dive into the caustic air. To slow the creature from using walls to protect from flanking, Oliver filled the ground with thickened thoughts covering the ground with physical sluggishness. This slowness allowed Caldwell and Gourm to better maneuver around the creature and ending it with a flaming dagger.   The party refocused and began tending to wounds before searching the scrap for discarded treasure. Find various vitraxine items and gear, the party loaded up and headed back towards the surface only to find Gourm uncharacteristically overburdened. The stone counterweight amongst the treasure was apparently a loadstone, a cursed item that increases in weight and binds to anyone who holds it too long. Passing other items off to make movement possible once more, a group of remaining skinskitters caught the scent of the party and began chasing them down the tunnel, but were blocked off by a stone wall raised up by Oliver .  

Total XP: 250 (710)

  • 120xp for defeating the scrapborn and gibbering mouther combat
  • 40xp for the skinskitter encounter
  • 20xp for searching for and finding loot
  • 30xp for Professor Gibbitz RP for grading the characters and quest completion
  • 20xp for Oliver Clayhead RP using Stepping Stones to deal with the final encounter quickly
  • 10xp for Stela RP in keeping people healed up and not letting anyone drop
  • 10xp for Gourm RP in keeping close to other characters to provide additional defense and using blocking effectively


  • Professor Liam Gibbitz participation (whole party)
  • Deadweight mutagen (Gourm, expired)
  • General trust of sewer treasure (whole party)
  • General mobility (Gourm)

Rewards Granted

  • 200gp each (whole party)
  • Lesser Elixir of Healing (Stela)
  • Lesser Elixir of Healing (Gourm)
  • Bottled Lightning (Oliver)
  • Energy Mutagen (Caldwell)
  • A weighty loadstone (Gourm)
  • Unusual jagged azure bolt (Caldwell)
  • Bolts x13 (Gibbitz)
  • Vitraxine ore x1 (whole party, held by Gourm)
  • Assorted gems (whole party, held by Gourm)
  • 3 platinum, 12 gold, 72 copper (whole party, held by Gourm)
  • A beautiful carved lute with overtightened strings (whole party, held by Gourm)
  • 2 daggers (whole party, held by Caldwell)
  • 1 ornamental serrated dagger with a magical aura (whole party, held by Caldwell)
  • Broken salvo shield (whole party, held by Caldwell)
  • Broken dark chain mail giving off a magical aura (whole party, held by Caldwell)
  • Spacious Pouch (Type 1) x2 (whole party, held by Stela)
Report Date
08 Jun 2024
Primary Location
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