
General Summary

Recognizing the gibbering mouther as the primary objective of the professor's, the party focused down on it, ignoring the scrapborn tossing refuse and junk at them from a distance. The mouther too stayed focused on the professor until lucking into a wizardly morsel. A powerful heal from Stela kept Oliver off death's door, but another scrapborn joined the fray from the tunnels behind.   Recognizing his abilities were more suited for the scrapborn than the mouther, Caldwell Weatherbey focused on the new foe with Gourm joining the fray soon after. Professor Gibbitz, meanwhile, recognized his aberrated flesh was weakened enough and force-fed it his antidote, returning him to his goblin form once more.   The mouther removed from the battlefield, the party focused on removing the new scrapborn who had chosen to stay up close the party. As it fell, the party turned towards the poisonous gas and the remaining scrapborn within who had used a corner for cover.  

Total XP: 120 (460)

  • 50xp for reuniting Gibbitz's flesh and bone (completed quest)
  • 20xp for Gibbitz RP in getting the mouther off the battlefield by absorbing them
  • 20xp for Gourm RP in focusing on damage mitigation
  • 10xp for Stela RP in clutch healing moments, ensuring no one went down (yet)
  • 10xp for Caldwell Weatherbey RP in making strong use of panache
  • 10xp for Oliver Clayhead RP by risking friendly fire on targets that can handle it to damage more foes


  • Plate armor defense due to breakage (Gourm)
  • Shield battered but not broken (Gourm)
  • Far too many armor pieces (dead scrapborn)

Rewards Granted

  • A healthy respect for the need to exercise (Oliver)
  • An extra amount of squish (Gibbitz)
Report Date
01 Jun 2024
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