Precision Purchasing

General Summary

Having chosen to spend a few days in the Library of Calcus to give Oliver time to collect the materials and rituals needed for a light spell, the party looked to find ways to keep themselves busy. Bahubat worked to clear out inventory and purchase materials for some alchemical elixirs. Caldwell and Wiloc1 helped Stela get setup in the Temple of Calcus market square to peddle their fortune-telling talents. Oliver was able to find the proper resources to reduce his work though not enough to get more spells purchased after unintentionally upsetting Rosette, the owner of the Arcane Brush. Urad took a stroll around town and outside it, Bahubat noticing him coming back through the gates that evening. Wiloc1 also never returned home that night though was back downstairs early in the morning, their suit buffed and the scuttler-torn leg cleaned up.  

Total XP: 120 (289)

  • 30xp for Wiloc1 RP in handling their character level up (intentionally vague as they chose to do it in secret)
  • 30xp for Urad RP in handling his character level up (intentionally vague as he chose to do it in secret)
  • 30xp for Stela RP in doing their first fortune telling session
  • 10xp for Caldwell RP in attempting to swindle in the Library of Calcus
  • 10xp for Bahubat RP in buying and selling wares
  • 10xp for Oliver RP in speaking with Rosette and Delores in his attempt to level up


  • 30gp for extracurriculars (Wiloc1)
  • 19gp for equipment purchased (Oliver)
  • 24gp for potion ingredients (Bahubat)
  • 6sp for the merchant stall in the Temple of Calcus (Stela)

Rewards Granted

  • 4gp, 5sp for selling the pelt and weapons (Bahubat)
  • Ingredients for 4 each of arsenic, elixirs of life, and forensic dye (Bahubat)
  • Light talisman charge ritual (Oliver)
  • 1 rechargeable talisman (Oliver)
  • 1 reusable talisman (Oliver)
  • 1 Reusable Talisman Charge - Pest Form (Oliver)
  • 5gp, 3sp, 6cp for fortune telling (Stela, though technically split between Caldwell and Wiloc1 as well depending on if they follow through)
  • 3sp for extracurriculars (Urad)
  • 8gp, 8sp for tipped performances at the Opal Iris and Drakkenhearth (Wiloc1)
  • 1gp, 5sp returned for the rooms after a successful performance (Wiloc1)
  • Happy Coda (Wiloc1)
1 Wiloc was being puppeteered by Besella
Report Date
19 Aug 2023
Primary Location
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