City of Angles

General Summary

Your party broke camp, and made your way into the Library of Calcus. Even from a distance the cities design was clearly different from the Library of Certa. Replacing buildings that naturally flowed with the nature and rock of the mountainside, this city had ground and whittled away until a city of mathematical efficiency was left. Four major ziggurats made up the internal city, each calculated to care for their clientele. Before entering, the guards request time of stay, selected accommodations, and the party's business in the city. The party found that the ikati woman was named Shiana Timberpaw but had been masquerading around as Ani Makara, a member of the bandit clan off the coast of Mourianji, raising a bounty on her head. The party turned her in, gaining a notarized scroll to collect the personal bounty set by one Tibul Gannis, a portly, squeamish dwarf and owner of the Roasted Ursine. Tibul did try to sell the party on purchasing something with their new found goods or even collecting a supposedly stolen item. Bahubat picked up on the dwarf's ill intent, however, and steered the party away. After setting up accommodations at the Drakkenhearth, Stela found an unexpected friend, Arthus, from their old home. They swapped stories and received a vitraxine ring that would help them read while missing their eyes. Caldwell poked around and found that Slovengaard appears to have a growing influence from the Volskra, a gnomish cult that is bent on war. This has driven droves of denizens to migrate south to Gnosi and possibly other countries.  

Total XP: 130 (169)

  • 50xp for turning in Shiana Timberpaw and collecting the reward
  • 30xp for Stela RP with Arthus and collecting her magic item
  • 30xp for Caldwell RP with the nobleman and Estril, the ratfolk proprietor of Drakkenhearth
  • 10xp for Bahubat RP in recognizing Tibul's misdeeds
  • 10xp for Oliver RP in speaking with Delores, the Grand Librarian of Calcus


  • 4g, 5s for three rooms for three nights at Drakkenhearth (Oliver)
  • 1s for a mead and baked fish with spicy riceflower (Caldwell)
  • 3s for the book (Bahubat)

Rewards Granted

  • 150g (party split evenly for the bounty of Shiana Timberpaw)
  • Reading Ring (Stela)
  • Stories written down by Arthus (Stela)
  • Mourianji Mansions (Bahubat)
1 Wiloc was being puppeteered by Besella
Report Date
12 Aug 2023
Primary Location
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