Scrutiny or Bureaucracy

General Summary

Having defeated Imani, the party searched the room for clues. Oliver focused on studying the runes, recognizing them as a teleportation spell which, with his extensive training at the libraries, should be impossible. Ivanu, unable to leave her sister behind, climbed down after her to lay her to rest while the party headed back through the library to the entrance. Finding themselves trapped while The Gorgames continued on, the party collected what information they could for the fight ahead.   Once the barrier fell on the game's conclusion, the party were able to speak with Chazk Bristlescale, the Presictor of the Library of Gorgos who had been participating in the games. He seemed unwilling to believe the group that a teleportation spell was used though was very concerned about the loss of the Crimson Slate. As Oliver continued to chase down information about both the spell and the conrasu, the rest of the party went to collect their belongings where they ran into Kafu and Gourm who had helped Roran find a missing Giggle.  

Total XP: 110 (810)

  • 30xp for Oliver RP for investigating the teleportation and building a report for the Library of Gorgos
  • 30xp for Caldwell RP in using their thievery skils to get a book on poisons
  • 30xp for Gourm character reveal and RP on figuring out what people eat as a chef
  • 10xp for Stela RP for searching for their eyes in the library logs
  • 10xp for Besella RP for continue to investigate the Oiled Hand


  • Ability to get a full copy of the teleportation runes (Oliver)
  • Ivanu, who disappeared when the barrier went down

Rewards Granted

  • Knowledge of Oiled Hand prisoners (Besella)
  • Knowledge of a new spell (Oliver)
  • Protecting One's Garden by W. D. Mulch (Caldwell)
  • Some questions on what qualifies as edible (Gourm)
Report Date
16 Mar 2024
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