Stopping a Quick Escape

General Summary

On the final day's ride to Wopoli, Bahubat spotted some muddied bootprints along the path that were similar to that of the duregar at the caravan raid. After some discussion, the party surmised that the duregar Stela had seen escape had passed them during the night. Continuing on their way, they found themselves in Wopoli. After a few probing conversations around town, they realized the duregar had met an ikati woman at the inn. The two had not only left town but absconded with a set of sentimental talismans of the local general store owner, Cynthia. The party made quick chase and upon catching the group, attempted to ambush them. Unfortunately, the duregar caught sight of Caldwell in the bushes leading to a quick scuffle. Outnumbered, the duregar and ikati women gave in and is willing to discuss with the party.  

Total XP: 50 (793)

  • 30xp for sussing out the duregar had met up with an ikati woman and fled town
  • 10xp for taking on helping Cynthia get her talismans back
  • 10xp for Bahubat's investigative skills in town


Rewards Granted

1 Wiloc was being puppeteered by Besella
Report Date
29 Jul 2023
Primary Location
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