Cat Got Your Tongue?

General Summary

Having captured the duregar and ikati, the party grilled the two for answers. The learned that they were members of the Oiled Hand, a growing bandit clan that specialized in stealing vitraxine. The ikati is a Collector: someone who infiltrates cities to find targets and handles an occasional cat burglary type heist. After overhearing Bahubat's plans to murder the two, the ikati implied her persona was well known and killing her would lead to a hunt for the party. Bahubat was unswayed, but the rest of the party ultimately chose to bring them to Calcus and turn them over to the authorities. The party set up camp. During his watch, Bahubat investigated a sound and shot at what he thought was fish. This led to a swarming of scuttlers that the party quickly dispatched before finishing the night's rest.  

Party XP: 246 (39) LEVEL UP TO 2

  • 96xp for the scuttler encounter
  • 50xp for returning the vitraxine talismans to Cynthia Ronak
  • 30xp for party working through whether to kill the two or not (great intra-party conflict!)
  • 30xp for Wiloc1 using the guise of keeping watch to get more information about the Oiled Hand
  • 30xp for Oliver Clayhead standing up for his values and placing orders as the caravan leader (and not stealing any talismans)
  • 10xp for Bahubat RP with wanting to kill the two and showing frustration when overruled by shooting the "fish"

Rewards Granted

1 Wiloc was being puppeteered by Besella
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