Tent-ative Proposition

General Summary

Unsure on the nature of the tent city, the party chose to send Caldwell with a pocket-riding Besella ahead of the rest of the group to scout for information. Keeping an eye on some of the residents and speaking with a nerdy bartender, they found that the tent city was made up primarily of city residents who had moved out of the city for an event called The Gorgames. The games allow for the military-minded denizens of the city to blow off some steam without destroying the city by placing an arcane time barrier that resets those inside to the status they were in when they entered, effectively resurrecting fallen warriors and rebuilding any destroyed structures. Since the party needed to reach the library which was inside the barrier (and the option to win a large sum of money), the party joined The Gorgames themselves. Upon being teleported into the city, the party was waylaid by boggard sorcerer that was laying in wait near the entrance.    

Total XP: 80 (343)

  • 20xp for entire party joining The Gorgames
  • 30xp for Besella/Caldwell RP in collecting information in the tent city
  • 30xp for Stela/Oliver RP in finding a way to sync unique skills to attack the other building together


Rewards Granted

  • Entrance into The Gorgames (entire party)
  • Information on why the tent city exists (entire party)
  • Identified torban (Besella )
  • Muddied to-go ale (Caldwell followed by Roran)
Report Date
03 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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