One Bug's Treasure...

General Summary

Having cleared the nest, the party began searching through the refuse for any items of value the victims of the ankhrev may have left behind. The found a few precious items that the ankhrevs could not eat in the forms of precious stones, metals, and coins. Bahubat and Besella also found two humanoid bodies: a dead sprite creature called a grig and a local villager. After feeling confident in their ransacking of the nest, the party returned and had lunch with the farmer, asking questions about the surrounding area and the Library of Gorgos in particular. Once filled, the journey commenced once more, as Besella listened to the wagons and riders searching for information about what lay ahead. As the party crested one final hill, they saw a sprawling tent city between them and the Library of Gorgos.


Total XP: 40 (263)

  • 10xp for Caldwell RP practicing his stealthing and doing some hunting
  • 10xp for Stela RP in training Giggle to help track down players
  • 10xp for Bahubat RP in conversing with the farmer
  • 10xp for Besella RP in using Hobnobber to catch rumors along the road


  • A collection of hometown spices (Oliver)
  • Urad (the party)
  • The ability to heal Urad to annoy the DM (Stela)

Rewards Granted

NOTE: Rewards this time are listed by inventory, but discuss amongst yourselves on who should get what. This was a unique situation where loot was collected in a different session, causing a bit of a player mismatch.  
  • 12g, 3s, 5c for from the farmer and the dead grig (everyone)
  • A shortsword (Bahubat)
  • An unusual liquid (Bahubat)
  • A minor elixir of life (Bahubat)
  • Jasper (Bahubat)
  • Vitraxine chunk (Bahubat)
  • A tiny, yet intricately carved torban (Besella)
  • 2 pearls and a piece of ivory (Besella )
  • A large mandible (Penko)
  • First mammalian assassination (Caldwell)
  • First potential recon mission? (Giggle)
Report Date
11 Nov 2023
Primary Location
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