The Wound Festers

General Summary

The party fought hard against the zombie ettin and their surrounding skeleton warriors and a ghoul. As the party began dispatching them, the guards began opening up the remaining coffins releasing yet another ghoul and skeleton guard. Still, the party prevailed through a powerful blast of healing that also killed off multiple creatures from Stela and a powerful head-splitting bite from Oliver. Once the final creature was dispatched, the creatures disappeared followed by the crypt-like illusion. In the room were a set of missives from the Library of Mora, the first stating that an archivist was killed during their research in Slovengaard, and the rest marked unverified were the unfinished notes about the Volskra, the Oiled Hand, and new information about a new figure in the story: the Crimson Slate. We left the party finishing up copying what notes they found pertinent while Oliver and Urad nursed some interesting wounds that did not disappear with the rest of the room.  

Total XP: 236 (638)

  • 136xp for combat
  • 50xp for Bahubat/Wiloc1/Oliver RP getting the most out of the notes at the library
  • 30xp for Stela RP for inadvertently getting their first two kills trying to heal the party
  • 20xp for Oliver/Urad getting infected with ghoul fever

Rewards Granted

  • A festering bite from a ghoul (Oliver [Level1], Urad [Level 2])
  • A collection of notes in their pocket library (Oliver)
1 Wiloc was being puppeteered by Besella
Report Date
02 Sep 2023
Primary Location
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