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The Kenku are a race of avian humanoids who were once Aarakocra, but have been transformed by Infernal energies that robbed them of their wings and ability to fly. This transformation has left them with a deep sense of loss and longing for their former lives, and many Kenku struggle to come to terms with their new limitations. Despite this, they are a resourceful and adaptable people, and have learned to make the most of their new situation.   Stripped of their nomadic lifestyle, the Kenku were forced to adapt to a new way of life on the ground. Many of them found themselves driven to the Cursed Union by the Celestials who hunted them. Here, the Kenku found a sense of community and purpose, but living in the Cursed Union also brought them into conflict with the Irenic Foundation.   Kenku are often compared to crows, with black feathers covering their bodies. They have sharp beaks and talons, and are known for their intelligence and quick thinking. Kenku are known for their ability to mimic any sound they hear, which they use to communicate and often to create distractions or diversions. They are also skilled thieves and tricksters, using their mimicry and agility to their advantage in their various criminal endeavors.   Despite their hardships, the Kenku have managed to carve out a place for themselves in the world, and they remain a proud and determined people, determined to overcome their past and create a brighter future for themselves and their descendants.

Basic Information


Kenku are avian humanoids with black feathers covering their bodies. They have sharp beaks and talons, which they use to hunt and defend themselves. Their bodies are lean and agile, with wings that have been robbed of the ability to fly by infernal energies. Despite this, Kenku are nimble and quick, and are known for their ability to move stealthily through their surroundings. They have keen eyesight and hearing, and are able to mimic any sound they hear with remarkable accuracy.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kenku hatch from eggs, and grow at a rapid rate during their first few years of life. They are fully grown and considered adults by the age of 16, but their lifespan is shorter than that of the Aarakocra they once were, and they may only live to be 60 years old.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kenku are omnivores and have a varied diet, which includes small game, fish, nuts, and seeds that they forage. They are also known to scavenge and steal food using their nimble fingers and quick reflexes. In some Kenku communities, they have a tradition of sharing meals communally, where all members contribute what they can to create a feast for the whole group.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kenku have acute visual and auditory perception, thanks to their avian heritage. They can see and hear with great precision and are particularly attuned to movement and sound. Kenku are also known for their remarkable mimicry abilities. They can reproduce any sound they hear with incredible accuracy, from voices to animal noises to mechanical sounds. This makes them excellent at imitation and deception, as well as being useful in a variety of other settings, from entertainment to espionage.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Kenku's naming traditions are intimately tied to the sounds they make. Often named by others, their names tend to fall into three categories that reflect their nature: battle sounds for the fierce fighters, animal noises for the cunning criminals who seek to communicate covertly, and profession sounds for those who are more creatively inclined. Some Kenku choose their own names, often taking on grandiose or deranged titles such as "Lord Gray."
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Corvid Ratite
The Kenku were originally Aarakocra, a race of avian humanoids, but were transformed by infernal energies
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