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The Adventure so far 03: Where the heart is

General Summary

Cast: -Beihlur (Soph) -Ivasaar (Ash) -Lord Gray (John) -Ozul (Pip)   Central Domain Time: Ascending Vegday of The Noble (2/20/1635)   Sire's Log - Entry Number: 853   Beihlur's father sent us on a mission to kill a large creature that had been causing disruptions in the lands these mortals call the Wetlands of Drakeheim. I remember when it went by another name, and wasn't a swamp. We were assigned a guide, one Lord Timothy Gray. Though for a Lord, he acts far more eccentric that I would expect, and with a lot of showmanship. He was to be our guide through this swamp, odd seeing as I more than likely have better knowledge of the Wetlands than Lord Gray, but I suspect Udurth is still unaware about the true nature of my being. It would be best it remains that way for now.   Anyway, we tracked this large creature. It wasn't hard - it's large and left rather noticeable tracks. It also wasn't terribly hard to kill. For such a large creature, it was quite a pushover. Though there was something that happened after we butchered the creature that got whatever blood was left in my veins boiling.   The image of a half-orc appeared before us, claiming that it had taken residence in MY manor house, and threatening me. This treachery would not stand. NOBODY, enters my home without invitation. Especially not when the charred corpses of my son and wife are buried there. My manor is hallowed ground for my family, and my family alone. So, with this information I made an adjustment to our mission. We would purge the intruders from my manor house, at any cost. None can be permitted to stand on that hallowed ground without my say.   We set off, walking through the swamp in the direction of my manor. As we got closer the land became more familiar to me, yet something stood out. There is a large rock that juts out of the ground not far from my home. Yet it appeared to be larger as we were approaching it. Clearly, there was something there. I could smell it, I could sense it, yet I didn't know what it was. Beihlur sent his lion to investigate the rock for us, and something rather peculiar happened.   The lion jumped up onto the rock, and then fell through. Then out fell a small half-orc child. I believed this one to be related to those trespassing on my manor. Capturing and questioning the child became the primary objective. Yet they did not comply. The punishment for this should have been death, or torture, break them to get more information. But Beihlur chose to intervene. The one person I would expect to have had some semblance of understanding, the one person in this group that knew of my vampirism, a fellow scholar, could not understand why I would go to such lengths. Unfortunately, I had put too much faith in them to understand. So I had to let the child go, let them run off into the Wetlands. They would likely die out there in the wilderness anyway. Lizard tribes in these Wetlands aren't uncommon, and have been known to kill indiscriminately.   Eventually we reached my manor. Or at least, where it should be. I was mocked for forgetting where my manor was, but I knew what this was. Another illusion, and I am sick of illusions. Lord Gray, thankfully, broke the illusion, so we may enter the grounds of my manor, Blackwood Manor. Upon entry of the grounds I immediately noticed the gargoyles were still standing watch. I had previously assumed they had been destroyed, killed. But it would appear that was not the case, as here they stood - watching like nothing had happened. I gave them a command to not attack those in my company, but they disobeyed. I shouldn't be too surprised, I've never brought anyone to my manor since they were formed.   During the struggle with the gargoyles I noticed that they seemed to ignore me, even after striking them. So they don't attack anyone with Denathrius blood, at least these ones didn't. Then there was the priest that attacked us, casting spells to try to hold me in place. I did not know what for, yet Lord Gray and Ivasaar wanted to reason with this priest. For a time they could, but their spell broke off and the fight resumed     After a brief time chasing this priest, the half-orc that appeared before us after we killed the creature jumped from one off the windows. Brilliant, not only did I have to stain the ground with this intruder's blood, but I also had to get the window repaired.   The half-orc was a tricky one to fight. Not because he was strong, quite the opposite actually. Every attack he launched on me failed to even make contact with me. No, he had a knack for teleporting across the battlefield through some strange magic. Yet even with this, he was no match for all of us. Using every last drop of blood, and every ounce of strength, I brought him weak enough to make him desperate. Ivasaar and Lord Gray supported by casting spells to trap the priest, whilst Beihlur helped me with dealing with the gnat.   The gnat grew desperate enough to use some deeply unholy power in the sword, an attack that, whilst it caused us harm, would not stop me from meting out justice on the one that trespassed and defiled my home with his filth. Using my trusty halberd, I speared him against one of the graves, ensuring he died there. His blood would at least be useful in providing nutrients for the plants that grew around the graves.   This half-orc's sword changed in appearance, taking a form which I recognised - the greatsword of Kathaan. So the fool had brought a relic to me, saving me the effort of finding where it had been hidden. Yet even with true vampirism within my grasp, there is a pressing matter that I must address.   These Half-Orcs were able to take up residence within my manor, without being attacked by the gargoyles. The gargoyles seemed to not even acknowledge the presence of me, a Denathrius. So then the gargoyles do not attack those of the Denathrius bloodline. Which can mean the only reason these Half-Orcs were not attacked would be because they are of the Denathrius bloodline. Yet this should be impossible - I watched what remained of the Denathrius family burn over 700 years ago. All of them died.   Unless... there is an off-shooting line that split from the rest of the Denathrius family and... mingled with orcs? An interesting decision for nobles to mingle with savages. There was also some kind of diary left behind, I suspect by the half-orc child. It seemed to detail that they were attacked by vampires, and that when the older brother took hold of the sword he was determined to retake the ancestral home of the Denathrius bloodline. Note the word "retake."   So, with this evidence it would appear that these Half-Orcs are of the Denathrius line. So it would seem I am guilty of nepoticide. Now I must pray to my ancestors to forgive me, or find some other way to atone for this great sin.   I would confide in someone, yet I have no one to speak to. Beihlur would be the closest, yet I am unsure if he can truly be trusted now. This relic has not yet caused any Transformation, perhaps it is slower than the first two relics. Whilst the group returns to Udurth and celebrates their victory, I will remain here and meditate upon what has happened. Perhaps the Transformation will take place then, in which case it may be safer to be here than around people. My thirst for blood may grow more.     Rewards for previous session: Slaying the Anjananth has rewarded you with 75gp each. Unlocked: From the Anjananth's Thyroid Froni was able to synthesize a potion of Fire breath. Purchasable for 100gp
Report Date
16 Mar 2023


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