The Wicked Brewery

Tavern: The Wicked Brewery
Owner: Andry Tealeaf, Female Halfling
  Location: In an adventurer's district. The street outside is filled with the smell of damp earth and ominously quiet and empty.
  Description: The tavern is a stucco tower, with large windows and a koi pond. Several battered shields hang on the walls. It contains a small wood oven and a large stew pot over a fire.
  Quests and Rumors
By Gather Info DC:1
  • A hunter with a huge longbow strapped to his back. The hunter tells the party his name and that he is looking to hunt the most dangerous game in the lands. The next morning the party finds an insidious note left at their camp during the night saying that the hunt is on. Over the next few days the party finds hunting traps meant for them.
  • DC:11
  • The sacred spear of Lesh has gone missing.
  • DC:13
  • A recent large explosion of unknown cause within the industrial section of a large city to the south has caused ever decreasing colour saturation in the surrounding area, literally turning the world black and white! The affected area also seems to be growing, slowly draining the colour out of the world as it spreads outwards.
  • DC:15
    Dwarven explorers uncover a mad wizard’s vault.
      DC: 17 (12 if the one making the check is a rogue or otherwise knows thieves cant)
    Rogues Guild Contract: House Elmkor hires the PCs to steal a shipment of newly minted currency from House Raxin. Without the new currency, House Raxin’s legitimacy will be undermined and the economy will be destabilized. The currency is heavily protected, but House Elmkor will be satisfied if it’s simply destroyed and not stolen.
    A cult of terrorists attack a series of churches seemingly at random, defiling them and murdering the attendees. The cult has left no obvious message and has no known goals. As church attendance in the city begins to slow, the PCs are asked to step in before the holy sites become abandoned entirely.
    Ham Pie with Oat Bread and a Tankard of Bitter (5 sp)
    Bison Sandwich with Peaches and a Mug of Perry (5 sp)
    Eggs and Ham Pie with Peaches and a Glass of Vodka (5 sp)
      Other Patrons:
    Fargrim Balderk, Male Dwarf
    Lidda Jamjar, Female Halfling
    Bree Tallfellow, Female Halfling
    Menny Ningel, Female Gnome
    Nurkara Lutgehr, Female Dwarf
    Mella Iathrana, Female Elf
    Hupe Porridgepot, Male Halfling
    Kadana Grrrmmballhyst, Female Dragonborn
    Reirak Foamtankard, Male Dwarf
    Trym Wildcloak, Female Halfling

    The Wicked Brewery
    The tavern is a stucco tower, with large windows and a koi pond. Several battered shields hang on the walls. It contains a small wood oven and a large stew pot over a fire.

    Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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