Evergreen Chapel Building / Landmark in Charyba | World Anvil
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Evergreen Chapel

The Evergreen Chapel is a small chapel on the continent of Udarich. It is located just a couple hours outside of Ghispar in the Catfolk Freehold. The chapel is dedicated to Sindara, Goddess of Nature, and the people of the Freehold come here to ask her to bless the harvest every year.   During the harvest time, several monks help tend the chapel. Otherwise, only the two aarakocra monks, Bertram and Zelduin, live here as of the year 3204.   In the main hall of the chapel, there is a holy statue of Sindara. Legend states that Sindara will manifest from this statue to give her servants a powerful blessing.  


  • Bertram - Born in 3133, he has lived most of his life at the Evergreen Chapel. He is kind and welcoming to all.
  • Zelduin - Born in 3177, Zelduin stumbled upon the chapel when she was a young orphan. She is nervous around outsiders and hasn't left the chapel in many years.


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