Lemore Mondicrell Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Lemore Mondicrell

Lemore Mondicrell is a tabaxi living in the Catfolk Freehold on Udarich. He holds the position of Advisor to Catchief Urthpaw in the city of Ghispar.  


Born in the year 3179, Lemore was from a moderately rich family in the Varda Shiphaven. At the age of 12, he was apprenticed to an arcanist named Celio Kritai. Lemore's magical ability was somewhat lacking at first, but he trained well under Celio's tutelage and began to surpass his peers. Lemore's parents died when he was 18. At this point, he learned that they had hailed from Ghispar and decided to travel to their hometown.   Lemore fell in love with Ghispar's quaintness. He decided to stay and offered Catchief Urthpaw his services as a mage. Initially rebuked, Lemore started an enchantment shop, The Summoning Scroll. After only a year, Lemore's success and talent proved his worth to the Catchief. Lemore was given the role of arcane advisor and sold his shop to his apprentice.


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