Urthpaw Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Urthpaw is the current Catchief of the Catfolk Freehold on Udarich. She is an earth genasi of tabaxi descent, though her genasi traits are somewhat minimal, living in Ghispar.  



Urthpaw was born in 3118 to first Catchief, Stripetail and her husband, Gerold.   

Catchief of the Freehold

Urthpaw became the Catchief in 3156, following her mother's death.    In 3204, Urthpaw answered the summons of King Hespiro of the Rusha Kingdom to discuss the future of the Udarich territories aboard the Raziel. When the ship was sabotaged, she was rescued by two adventurers, Bigwig and Petrichor before her room whisked her back to Ghispar.  




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