Verga Stonehammer Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Verga Stonehammer

Verga Stonehammer is a dwarf from the Varda Shiphaven on Udarich. She's a member of the Nightwalkers, using the codename Startoucher and acting as their fence.  



Born in 3159. Verga lived a very luxurious life as the daughter of two master shipwrights. At the age of 21, she formed her own merchant company, the Stonehammer Exchange.  

Time with Estella and the Nightwalkers

  One day, she caught a young woman breaking in. The woman was named Estella and had been living on the streets after her family home had been taken from her. Verga pitied her and took her in to help run her main shop. The two eventually fell in love. When Estella was being recruited by Windtooth, Verga was hesitant but eventually agreed to sell stolen goods should the Nightwalkers ever need it done. She never took part in any of the Nightwalker heists.   Verga and Estella fought when Windtooth suggested heisting the Raziel. Verga believed that such a heist would be too dangerous and the two parted on harsh words.  


Verga is a no-nonsense, business minded dwarf. She's not one to suffer fools gladly. Despite this, she has a soft spot for those on hard times and does what she can to help out.


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