Zinnia's Platoon Military Formation in Charyba | World Anvil
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Zinnia's Platoon

Zinnia's Platoon is a group of five rangers fighting to protect the Catfolk Freehold. The platoon's leader, Captain Zinnia, takes direct orders from Catchief Urthpaw.   The platoon often journeys out to Popoki Village to bring resources and make sure that the village is safe.   


Zinnia was raised to the rank of captain in the year 3201 by Urthpaw herself. She assembled her platoon from the year's most promising recruits.   In 3203, Urthpaw sent Zinnia on a mission to check the Raziel crash site for survivors. On the way, the platoon arrived in Popoki Village on a standard pass through to find that the village had been attacked by an army of skeletons. Fortunately, the attackers had been driven off by a group of adventurers. Zinnia sent Neera back to report on to the Catchief regarding the attack while the rest of the platoon travelled on to the crash site.













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