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Kingdom of Halen

The Kingdom of Halen is a Fuedal Kingdom that occupies the Nation of Halen in the Northern Pactlands. Halen is comprised of eight provinces, which are broken down further into counties and baronies.


Under the King, who resides in the capital, Cilasia, there are eight duchies throughout the Kingdom. Each Duke manages their own territory under consent of the King, and divvies up the land to several Counts and Barons.


Halen observes many of the customs practices across the Pactlands in general, although they tend to be a more artistic people. Nobles often become patrons to talented artists, musicians, playwrights, engineers and architects. Every summer, the eight Dukes gather in the capital city for a grand festival in which the nobles provide the creations of their artists to the general public in an event known as the Harbinger's Festival.


The Kingdom of Halen was founded on the fourth day of the month of Decadra in Year 0 of the Pactish calendar by Emrys Hillbreaker, one of the original Magus' and a signer of the Pact. The Nation, as well as the Hillbreaker dynasty, has persisted for over a thousand years due to backing from the Pact itself, and the blessing of the High Magus Council.


The Kingdom of Halen holds sovereignty over the eight provinces of Halen whic occupy the northern part of the Pactlands: Naden, Ansem, Midsem, Cetra, Itelier, Parrinsight, Delanar and Kura. Each of the eight provinces are further divided into Counties and Baronies.


The military of Halen is organized by the Knights of Parrinon, whereupon a Knight of common birth who has shown his or her remarkable love, dedication and self-sacrifice for Halen and her people is appointed as the General of the King's Men. Noble-born Knights are forbidden from taking active roles within the command structure of the military forces due to diplomatic conflicts of interest, and instead focus on the enforcement of Halish laws within the provinces.


Under the laws of the Pact, no single religious organization is to hold sway over the people or political powers, there are several religions commonly practiced within the Pactlands at large.   Most polytheistic religious beliefs and practices are ancient, pre-dating the Signing of the Pact, and generally involve remembrance and honouring any number of gods. However, these gods are commonly considered to be deceased, as there are few records of their involvement in the affairs of man. There are various cults and sects dedicated to particular gods in Eiden's pantheon, but most have languished into fraternal orders and their temples are long since vacant.   The most common religious belief is the Eye of All, a monotheistic religion that preaches goodness to your fellow man under the watchful Eye of All that judges all men and beasts. The Eye of All shies away from any sort of rigid hierarchy, preaching that both kings and peasants are equal under the Eye, which causes some dissent in terms of interpretation of scripture, but due to the overarching grand narrative of the belief system, rarely leads to violence or acts of control.   Almost every resident of the Pactlands holds a gnostic belief in the existence of great spirits, called Aeons or Spheres of Being, but are not considered to be equitable to gods. There is a great body of evidence behind the existence of conscious, unique and individual spirits that are said in inhabit the space between thoughts. The existence of these spirits are backed by the experiences of Soul Mages and Herbalists who have been able to find ways of communicating with them, sometimes at great cost. However, these spirits are thought to be highly disinterested in the comings and goings of man and other sapient species, but at times have shown to be amused by them.

Foreign Relations

A member of the Pact, Halen enjoys generally positive relations with Shavi and Rasza, and maintains a certain decorum with Vector, despite a deep distrust between the two nations since the Emperor Tamil Cuerian took power in Vector.   Unbeknownst to, but suspect by Vector, The King Nadus Hillbreaker XII, distrustful that Vectoran intentions were what they appeared to be, dispatched a secret reconnaissance force into The Disputed Lands to observe and report on Vectoran activity in the region

The North Abides

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Standardised gold weight
Legislative Body
The King's Council
Judicial Body
Halish High Court
Executive Body
Knights of Parinnon
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species

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