Lily of the Lichgate Valley Building / Landmark in Chromanexus | World Anvil

Lily of the Lichgate Valley

A small plot of land, with lush grass, surrounded by a black iron gate. Flowers of all kinds decorate the grounds, diligently cared for and placed around propped up tomb stones, etched with the names of those the caretaker knows had been lost.   In the center of this garden, stands a mausoleum, pitch black in coloration and overgrown with vines and foliage one might think it abandoned. The inside however is carefully decorated, all be it near impossible to see. Light is snuffed out at any chance, yet still past the cobwebs and deadening silence, one would find an almost church-like interior. Dimmed stained glass portraits and symbols of the grave, a sarcophagus for sleeping in, and an altar, with a few very rarely lit candles.
Founding Date
Temple / Church
Parent Location


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