The Ring of Fire Building / Landmark in Chromanexus | World Anvil

The Ring of Fire

On the grounds beside the Kobold Castling stands a circular arena, with walls and stands put together from various stones and metals.   Rows of torches surround the perimeter, keeping the center "stage" ever lit for viewing. Standard rows of seats and isles are placed all around the arena, with the addition of large marble pillars for those with wings to watch from if they so prefer.   The arena proper is a standard circle at the base of the field. Lined with soft warm sand to ease some of the blows that will inevitably be taken here. Various props and add-ons can also be found in the barracks and outfield such as targets and dummies, for the purposes of simply showing off ones skill or for training.   Ire often tries to hold tournaments and tests of strength here...but most of the kobolds staying in the castle can barely withstand her training let alone fight in a tournament.
Founding Date
Parent Location


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