Z'ar Visek Geographic Location in Chromanexus | World Anvil

Z'ar Visek

A world built entirely upon the remains of two massive dragons, who gave their life force and beings for their people. The Continents are as such, named after these dragons respectively. Pliso, and Aduna.   The tops or exteriors of the dragons serve as terrain, much like one would find in their home planes. Grasslands, field, forests, line the back while areas of higher altitude produce more artic regions, such as the wing tips, or more desert regions like the spinal mountain range.   The hollowed out insides, accessible through very few areas such as the maw, is an intricate cave or underground system. With many mines, made in the hopes of possibly retrieving or finding any remaining or lingering bits of fundamentium. Many venture these dangerous tunnels in hopes of striking it rich. Some just settle in small towns and communities on the inside, simply out of feeling safer than the outside world.   While both continents have similar biomes and temperates, Pliso has more harsh exterior environments like deserts, mountains and tundras, with a warmer and darker interior. While Aduna has a more lush and resource heavy exterior with grasslands and forests aplenty, and a more crag like interior.   Pliso, is primarily inhabited by the fittest of the fit, and nature's champions. As such you are likely to find creatures fighting to see who is the apex among predators. Dragons, Beasts, and giants call this land home, and are always on the prowl to claim more of it for themselves or defend their territory from others. Smaller creatures are easily looked down upon or seen as prey, though some have made a home and hide away in the interior caves of the dragon.   Aduna is primarily inhabited by smaller folk. Kobolds, mice, and kenku are the primary suspects here. That said, larger creatures are usually treated with hostility or distrust, as these lands are often seen as little more than a hunting grounds and means to gather resources easily. It's interior caves however are notoriously dangerous, with rumors of aberrations lurking in the dark beneath the surface.

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