Path of the Lightbearer

"That's no moon."
-Unknown citizen
  It almost seemed to happen overnight. Some report they saw a new star appear in the sky, only to grow larger and brighter at a terrifying rate. Others slept through it, only to discover it's presence in the morning. In either case, it arrived shortly in the aftermath of [MISSING RECORD] almost as if in response to the instability of this catastrophic event.   The entity appears as if a second moon orbiting the world of Chromatia. In its wake, star-like sparks of light break away and fall to the surface below. With nothing else to call it, the people of the world have taken to calling it the Traveler. Could it truly be one of the wandering god's many guises? Who can really say, but the fact of the matter is the sparks it scatters across the world have an inherent power. They only land before those who could take them, and have earned the name 'Gift of Light'. To those who would accept the gift, they are imparted a trial that on completion permanently bonds them with the spark and grants them a new title.   Lightbearer.  

Aspects of the Lightbearer

As a Lightbearer, your initial trial brands you with one of three "Aspects".  
  • The Titan is drawn to those with a strong sense of honor, and a will to shoulder the burden of protecting others in the face of danger. They are often guardians, warriors, and knights, and are blessed with formidable strength.
  • The Hunter is a thing of the wilds, an explorer who would assassinate the forces of darkness and reclaim the lost secrets of the world. Their swiftness and ingenuity in combat has lent them a dangerous reputation, but undoubtedly many lives would have likely been lost without them.
  • The Warlock is beholden to those who favor knowledge and discovery above all else, though this does not hinder the power they wield. A warlock bends reality to their whim through their armaments, and though many prefer the quiet of a library over the din of war, they should be anything but underestimated.
Regardless of Aspect, you are considered proficient with all weapons - including firearms - while you walk the Path of the Lightbearer. Furthermore, your armor and weapons are all enhanced with minor details akin to those produced by glamerweave, with the exact appearance dependent on the domain you've chosen for your armaments.  

The Lightbearer's Armaments

A Lightbearer, regardless of their chosen Aspect, performs a daily ritual attuning themselves to one of the Traveler's three domains:  
  • The Solar domain is believed to somehow connect to the distant stars and their endless incandescence. Those who attune to Solar manifest powers of light, fire, and longevity.
  • The Arc domain is tied intrinsically to the very energy that permeates all things. It is a capricious thing that when molded properly produces lightning and other feats of electromagnestism with a flick of the wrist.
  • The Void domain is one of mystery, oft described as somehow 'weaponizing the Unknown'. Its powers bend the unseen dark matter that holds existence together in fantastical ways, the least of which being the means of utterly annihilating your enemies.
  A Lightbearer's connection to these three domains wanes when they rest, though not so much the power leaves entirely. After a long rest, you may change your existing domain to another. Whenever you choose a domain, your connection to the Traveler resonates as an Echo reflecting the properties of the domain you chose; likewise, whenever you change your domain, your Lightbearer Echo changes to reflect the new domain. Any Artifact properties you have invested in your echo remain whenever you change armaments, with the exception of the major artifact property unique to each echo.  
  • Titans wield the Hammer of Sol (Solar), Fists of Havoc (Arc), or Myrmidon's Reach (Void).
  • Hunters wield Sunshot (Solar), Arcstrider (Arc), or Graviton Forfeit (Void).
  • Warlocks wield Dawnblade (Solar), Stormcaller (Arc), or Nezarec's Sin (Void).
  The names of these items are known by the Lightbearers, named by the Traveler. Whether there is a deeper meaning to these names other than what may be obvious from the item's properties is unknown. Each Echo shares the following Ruby Tear properties:  
  • Creator (Celestial). The item is woven from the Traveler's light, and consequently weighs half its normal weight. Its luminous properties are ascribed to your ghost, in the form of a dim glow that permanently follows the thing. Creatures associated with the Abyss and the Far Realm find the item's presence repulsive.
  • History (Prophecy). This item is believed to be a key piece in avoiding calamity due to the mysterious prophecy of the Traveler. Those who oppose what the Traveler and it's followers stand for will go to extreme measures to eliminate the item's bearer.
  • Minor Properties (Temperate, Unbreakable). Forged by the Traveler's light, neither your ghost nor your armaments can be broken. The Gift of the Light also makes it easier for you to travel to and hunt enemies in near any climate, as you take no harm when travelling in temperatures as low as -20 farenheit and as high as 120 degrees farenheit.
  • Quirk (Covetous). The item's bearer becomes strangely obsessed with material wealth and items with implied collectability, especially if any of it relates to gambling.
  The individual Echoes will each be presented at the end of this page.  

Irresistible Offense

The Traveler's power floods a Lightbearer's armaments with overwhelming force, permitting each Lightbearer the ability to bypass the damage resistances of any creature.  

Charged with Light

When you first join the path, you must choose a Core Augment. This Core Augment persists across your armaments various shapes and forms regardless of your chosen domain, and effects how the Gift of the Light enhances your own capabilities.  
  • If your Aspect is that of the Titan, you may choose either weapon or armor as your core augment.
  • If your Aspect is that of the Hunter, you may choose either weapon or spell as your core augment.
  • If your Aspect is that of the Warlock, you may choose either armor or spell as your core augment.
  You gain a +4 bonus to the chosen augment. Then, you gain one of the following feats based on your chosen augment:  
  • If you chose the weapon argument, you are blessed with speed and grace. You gain the mobile feat.
  • If you chose the armor augment, you are blessed with the ability to shrug off pain that would cause others to falter. You gain the tough feat.
  • If you chose the spell augment, you are blessed with strange powers manifesting as a distortion in space around you. You gain the eldritch adept feat.

Ghost of the Traveler

As a part of your trial to become a Lightbearer, the spark of light presented to you must be shaped and crafted into a Ghost, a tiny mechanical creature that flits and floats around you as a pixie might. The ghost itself is immune to all damage, though it is intrinsically tied to your life essence. If you have been dead longer than 24 hours, the ghost ceases to exist until you have been resurrected or otherwise brought back to life. The ghost is also incapable of travelling more than thirty feet away from you - if forced beyond this radiance, it teleports safely back to your side.   A ghost radiates dim light out to 5 feet, and its ability scores mirror your own, though it lacks the capability to interact with objects in its environment. It is proficient in Intelligence and Wisdom-based skills, but only as many as your proficiency bonus. For example, with a proficiency bonus of 3, your Ghost can be proficient in three Intelligence and/or Wisdom-based skills, such as Investigation or Medicine. It speaks in common, shares your senses, and its personality (including its ideals, bonds, and flaws) are a reflection of your own as a result of your bond. When it speaks, it flickers with each syllable.   Each ghost knows the light and mending cantrips. It can only use the light cantrip targeting itself. Additionally, the ghost knows the raise dead spell, and can cast it at will. In combat, a ghost acts on your initiative but can take no action other than to use one of these spells. Your ghost can additionally operate as a Spelljamming Helm, but your ghost can only be used in this way when there are no hostiles within 30ft of it and it is unable to perform any other actions.  


A Lightbearer who no longer wishes to uphold the gift must grasp their ghost and crush it, an action that destroys it instantly. Only the ghost's own Lightbearer or the Traveler themselves can destroy it this way, and once destroyed, the Lightbearer instantly loses all powers granted to them by the path and gains five levels of exhaustion.   After this has occurred, the Traveler will be reluctant (if willing at all) to grant you the Gift of the Light a second time.  

Hammer of Sol

Weapon (maul), echo (requires attunement by a Solar Titan)
The Hammer of Sol is a maul woven from pure radiance, capable of punishing the forces of darkness in ways few weapons can compare to. The Hammer of Sol has the following properties:   Sun Warrior. This item additionally functions as a duskcrusher. In addition to this item's other properties, when you stand in areas of dim light or darkness, creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls and perception checks made against creatures other than you, as your light distracts them. A creature that does not rely on sight, such as a creature with blind sense, is unaffected by this property.   Mortar Blast. As a reaction to hitting a creature and dealing damage with this weapon, you may use this ability to immediately cast fireball centered on the target creature without using a spell slot or components. You are not injured by this effect. The DC for this spell is 15. Once you have used this ability three times, you cannot do so again until you have completed a long rest.   Roaring Flames. As an action, wreathe yourself in flames and blinding light, shedding bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet for 1 minute. The flames don't harm you. You may use this ability four times before you must complete a long rest, recovering all spent uses. For the duration, you gain the following benefits:  
  • You are immune to fire damage and have resistance to cold damage.
  • Whenever you make a melee weapon attack against a creature with this weapon and hit, deal a bonus 1d10 fire damage to the creature.
  • Whenever you critically hit a creature or reduce them to 0 hit points with this weapon, you recover 1d6 hit points plus your Constitution modifier.
  • A creature that ends its turn adjacent to you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of its next turn.
  You may choose one of the following Major Artifact Property's for Hammer of Sol:   Sol Invictus. As a bonus action on your turn, you may empower your next blow with radiant light. The bonus damage against undead from your sun warrior trait is now added to any hit with this weapon. Furthermore, when you strike a creature, you may spend one of your hit die as part of the attack to create a sunspot in a space adjacent to your target. A sunspot behaves as if a create bonfire spell, but does not require concentration. If you end your turn standing in the same space as a sunspot, it is destroyed and you regain one use of your limited use abilities from this item, provided any have been spent.   Ashen Wake. As a bonus action you can empower your Hammer of Sol for the next minute. While empowered in this way Hammer of Sol gains the thrown (20/60) property, deals an additional die of damage and immediately after a thrown attack, it reforms in your hand. Furthermore, for the duration of this ability when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points you can spend one of your hit die as part of the attack to cause the creature to leave behind a firesprite. If you end your turn in the same space as a firesprite you regain one use of your limited use abilities from this item, provided any have been spent.  

Fists of Havoc

Armor (gauntlets), echo (requires attunement by Arc Titan)
These gauntlets are charged with ionic power, occasionally arcing with static electricity in preparation for whatever smackdown you're getting ready to deliver. The fists of havoc can be used to make an unarmed melee strike, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus your Strength modifier on a hit. Additionally, this item has the following properties:   Reversal. This item additionally functions as a sapphire buckler.   Seismic Strike. You can use this item to cast thunderous smite (DC 18) without using a spell slot or components. While this effect is active, and for the rest of your turn after you've dealt damage with this effect, your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from other creatures. You may use this ability four times before you must complete a long rest.   Terminal Velocity. You may dash as a bonus action on your turn. Whenever you take the dash action on your turn, you become charged with electrifying energy - when you move within 5 feet of a creature or an object that isn't being worn or carried, it takes 3d6 lightning damage as lightning arcs towards it. A creature or object can take this damage only once during a turn.   Thundercrash. You may cast thunder step at the 8th level without using a spell slot or components (DC 18). Instead of teleporting when you use this ability, you launch yourself through the air in a blast of lightning and thunder before crashing to the ground at your designated location. Roofs and similar structures can obstruct your movement at the DM's discretion. Additionally, the damage is dealt on arrival rather than on departure. You may use this ability twice before you must complete a long rest.     You may choose one of the following Major Artifact Property's for Fists of Havoc:   Inertia Override. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. Whenever you take the dash action on your turn, if your weapon has the Loading property, you may ignore it until the start of your next turn. Lastly, whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a weapon attack, you regain a use of your seismic strike or thundercrash traits, and you may immediately attack another creature within your reach or the reach of your weapon. You can only gain this benefit once per turn.   Thunderous Juggernaut. Your maximum hit points are increased by 20. Whenever you take the dash action on your turn all ranged attacks made against you are made at disadvantage until the start of your next turn.  

Myrmidon's Reach

Armor (shield), echo (requires attunement by Void Titan)
Myrmidon's Reach is a formidable shield fastened firmly to the wielder's off-hand, permitting the hand free use to interact with objects, wield light weapons, or hold a two-handed weapon without issue (you cannot effectively use other weapons with this hand). The shield's edge bends space around it, giving it a slightly distorted appearance, and if fastened in such a way to the wielder's arm that it can be swung and released as a throwing weapon.   Code of the Aggressor. In addition to its normal functions, this item also functions as a light hammer (1d4 bludgeoning, light, thrown (20/60)). When you hit with a ranged attack using this weapon, it deals an extra 1d8 necrotic or force (your choice) or, if the target is an aberration, 2d8 damage. Immediately after the attack, the item flies back to your hand.   Void Resilience. This item functions as a pariah's shield.   Rallying Force. You have advantage on initiative checks. This benefit is shared with creatures close enough to count towards your void resilience trait.   Offensive Bulwark. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with this weapon, you gain 1d10 temporary hit points.   Ward of Dawn. You may cast wall of force from this item without using a spell slot or components. When cast this way, the spell always takes the form of a hemispherical dome, and creatures (including you) may freely pass through the barrier, though the barrier is still otherwise impenetrable. It lasts only until the end of your next turn. Any creature that first enters or starts their turn in the area of effect gains 1d10 + your Constitution modifier (minimum 0) temporary hit points, but may only benefit from this effect once for the duration. Once you have used this ability once, you cannot do so again until you have completed a short or a long rest.     You may choose one of the following Major Artifact Property's for Myrmidon's Reach:   Ricochet. Whenever you use Myrmidon's Reach to make a thrown weapon attack and hit, you may choose another target within 15 feet of your original target and roll another attack as a free action. You can do this twice before the shield returns to you. You do not have to target a creature with each of these attacks - for example, you can throw the shield and ricochet off a wall to hit a creature behind total cover.   Bastion. Provided you have not moved yet this turn, you may bring Myrmidon's Reach up as an action and project a semi-transparent wall of force in front of you that moves with you. The barrier is 15 feet wide, centered on you, and has a number of hit points equal to 10 times your character level (max 200). While the barrier is active, your movement is halved. If a non-hostile creature makes a ranged weapon attack that would pass through this barrier, it deals an additional 1d6 force damage on a hit. If a hostile creature attempts to target you or another creature behind the barrier while in front of it, the barrier becomes the target instead and takes any damage that would have been dealt (this also interrupts spells without an explicit target, like fireball). If the barrier has not taken any damage since the end of your last turn, or is presently not being used, it recovers hit points equal to your character's level at the start of each of your turns. If the barrier is reduced to 0 hit points, it cannot be used again until it has fully recovered.  


Weapon (revolver), Echo (requires attunement by Solar Hunter)
Sunshot is a pistol made of consecrated light, delivering bolts of radiance to your enemies the same as any firearm would a bullet. There are some rumors the legendary Ace of Spades was based off this item, or perhaps designed to complement it in combat. Sunshot has the following properties:   Knife Trick. This item additionally functions as a bracer of flying daggers, which deal fire damage and benefit from both your line 'em up and knock 'em down traits.   Knock 'Em Down. Whenever you critically hit or reduce a creature's hit points to 0 with this weapon, you may make one additional attack or knife trick with this weapon before the end of your turn.   Line 'Em Up. Whenever you end your turn, one of the following occurs:  
  • If you hit at least one creature with this weapon, increase your critical hit range by 1. For example, if you normally critically hit an enemy on a roll of 20, a +1 bonus means you can now critically hit on a 19 - 20, a bonus of +2 would permit a critical hit on 18 - 20, etc.
  • If you critically hit at least one creature with this weapon, any bonus to your critical hit range from this effect is reduced to 0 and you cannot gain any new stacks until the start of your next turn.
  Proximity Explosive Knife. As an action, you can use one of the daggers created by your knife trick effect to charge one of the daggers thrown with an explosive effect. This effect is identical to the thrown action from sunforger with a save DC of 17, and dealing fire damage instead of radiance damage. Once this property ha been used, it cannot be used again until you complete a short or a long rest.     You may choose one of the following Major Artifact Property's for Sunshot:   Blade Barrage. For each bonus to your critical hit range gained from your line 'em up trait, you gain two additional daggers each time you use your knife trick action. For example, if you have a +3 bonus to your critical hit range from line 'em up, then you have six additional daggers (for a total of eight) when you use your knife trick action. While you have zero stacks of line 'em up, each hit from knife trick will increase your critical hit range by 1 at the end of your turn (Maximum increase of 3 stacks can be gained in this way).   Additionally, as a bonus action on your turn, you may leap twenty feet into the air and hover there until the end of your next turn. While hovering this way, you throw a minimum number of knives equal to your proficiency bonus with your knife trick, creatures you can see gain no benefit from cover against attacks made using your knife trick, and creatures hit by your knife trick take an additional 3d4 radiant damage. Once this bonus action has been used, it cannot be used again until you complete a long rest.   Celestial Nighthawk. As a bonus action, You focus solar power into this weapon causing the next shot fired to automatically become a critical if it hits. This weapon also deals an additional 3d8 radiant damage for each stack of Lineā€™em up active when used in this way. This feature cannot be used again until you complete a long rest. If you have already used this ability and reduce an enemy's hit points to 0 with your knife trick, roll a d6. On a 6, you immediately regain use of this ability.  


Weapon (quarterstaff), echo (requires attunement by an Arc Hunter)
Arcstrider is a bolt of lightning made solid, taking the form of a quarterstaff with a shocking blow. Arcstrider has the following properties:   Deadly Reach. This weapon has a reach of 10 feet.   Lightning Reflexes. As a bonus action on your turn, you may caste haste with this item without expending a spell slot or components. Once you have done so, you cannot use this ability again until you have completed a short or a long rest.   Lightning Weave. This item additionally functions as a scimitar of speed.   Whirlwind Guard. This item additionally functions as a staff of defense. Spells granted by this item do not need to be on your spell list to use.     You may choose one of the following Major Artifact Property's for Arcstrider:   Gathering Storm. Attacks with Arcstrider deal additional lightning damage equal to your proficiency bonus. As an Attack action on your turn, you may throw Arcstrider at a creature or surface you can see within 150 feet. If the target is a creature, make a ranged weapon attack against the creature, dealing an additional 4d6 lightning damage on a hit.   If the attack hit, or if the target was a surface, the staff embeds itself for 1 minute and acts as a lightning rod. As a bonus action on this and subsequent turns, you may cause any creature within 30 feet of the staff to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 17), taking 10d8 lightning damage on a failure and half as much on a success as lightning bolts strike the area around the staff. If Arcstrider is attached to a creature, the creature has disadvantage on the saving throw.   A creature can use its action to make a DC 20 Strength check to pry the staff free, ending the effect immediately. Once this effect has ended, the staff reappears in your hand at the beginning of your next turn. Alternatively, you can use your action to end the effect early, recalling the item to your hand immediately. Repeated uses of this ability between long rests grant a level of exhaustion, which cannot be recovered by any means other than natural rest.   Raiden Flux. As an action on your turn, you hurl your staff and instantaneously blink to a location you can see within 60 feet. On arrival, you emit a burst of lightning 20 feet away from you in all directions. Creatures in the area of effect make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC (Intelligence) or take 6d8 lightning damage. You then gain an additional action, which can be used to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.  

Graviton Forfeit

Armor (helm), echo (requires attunement by a Void Hunter)
Graviton Forfeit is an umbral helm that rests overhead like a visor, shrouding the wearer's face as if by the effects of a dread helm. It imparts the ability to move as one with smoke and shadows to its wearer - the ultimate tool for a would-be assassin. Graviton forfeit has the following properties:   Shadow Shot. As an action on your turn, you can manifest a firearm made of smoke and shadow and use it to fire a bolt of negative energy as an action on your turn and fire it at an enemy. The bolt functions identically to an oathbow, but deals necrotic or force damage (your choice) instead of the normal piercing damage. Your spectral blades apply the bonus damage from this effect against your sworn enemy.   Spectral Blades. You learn a special version of the shadow blade spell, which does not count against your list of known spells. You may only cast this version of the spell as part of rolling initiative, and when you cast the spell, you summon a blade in each hand rather than a singular blade. The blades last for the duration of combat. Attacks with this weapon do not suffer disadvantage while shadow shot is in effect.   Stylish Executioner. If you score a critical hit on a creature, or reduce a creature's hit points to 0 while that creature is inside smoke created by this item, you become invisible and gain truesight out to a range of 60 feet for 1 minute. This truesight can even perceive creatures through walls and cover, as the creatures' outlines appear to be highlighted in hazy red light. Only you can see this light.   Trapper's Ambush. As a bonus action on your turn, leap to a point you can see up to thirty feet away. You can also use this effect as a reaction to falling, provided you fall no farther than 100 feet, negating any damage from the fall. When you land, you activate your vanish in smoke trait centered on yourself with the following additional property: creatures hostile to you that move into the smoke or start their turn there are effected as if by the bane spell until the start of their next turn, and take an additional 1d4 damage whenever they are injured while cursed by this effect.   Umbral Gaze. You have blind sight. This blind sight can only be used to perceive creatures within smoke created by this item, plus an additional 30 feet beyond it in the direction you are facing. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover, even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see invisible creatures within that range, unless the creatures successfully hide from you.   Vanish in Smoke. As an action on your turn, you may conjure and throw a smoke bomb at a point you can see up to 60 feet away. The smoke bomb on impact functions like an eversmoking bottle, though it only lasts for a minute and only covers a 30-foot radius instead of 60. Allied creatures (including you) that end their turn in the smoke turn invisible until the end of their next turn. You may use this trait a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) before you must complete a short or a long rest.   Vanishing Step. Whenever you take the Dodge action on your turn, you become invisible until the end of your next turn.     You may choose one of the following Major Artifact Property's for Graviton Forfeit:   Deadfall. Once per turn when you strike a creature with your shadow shot, the creature must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become effected by the slow spell until the start of your next turn.   Assasin's Cowl. Once per turn when you hit a creature with your Spectral Blades you recover Hit Points equal to half of the damage dealt. Additionally If your Spectral Blades would reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you may choose to immediately use vanishing step and gain temporary hit points equal to twice your proficiency modifier. These last until the end of your next turn.  


Weapon (any sword), echo (requires attunement by a Solar Warlock)
Dawnblade is a sword made of light and fire incarnate, taking a shape in accordance with the warlock's will when attuned. When you choose this armament after completing a long rest, choose the type of sword the blade takes. Dawnblade gains the properties of the chosen sword, in addition to the thrown (20/60) property until you complete your next long rest. Additionally, whenever this weapon or one of its effects would deal fire damage to another creature, you can choose to instead deal radiant damage (you must choose as part of the action that would deal damage, before knowing the result). Dawnblade has the following properties:   Celestial Fire. You can cast melf's minute meteors with this item at no cost. You can throw three meteors instead of the normal two when you use this effect.   Daybreak. As an action on your turn, you may wreath yourself and Dawnblade in radiant flame for 1 minute as if by the effects of the investiture of flame spell. As part of this same action, if not already active, Dawnblade is ignited as if by its guiding flame trait. For the duration, whenever you use Dawnblade to attack another creature, you may apply the 'line of fire' effect from investiture of flame to creatures behind the target (including the target). Once you have used Daybreak three times, you cannot do so again without completing a long rest.   Divine Protection. You can cast false life at the 3rd level without expending a spell slot. When cast with this effect, you can target up to four creatures (including yourself) with this spell. Once you have used this trait, it cannot be used again until you complete a long rest.   Guiding Flame. Dawnblade additionally functions as a flame tongue.   Heat Rises. As a bonus action on your turn, you may grant yourself a flying speed of 60 feet until the end of your next turn. If you already have a flying speed when you use this trait, you gain the hover property. While flying, you have advantage on attack rolls.     You may choose one of the following Major Artifact Property's for Dawnblade:   Well of Radiance. While using Daybreak, provided you have not yet moved this turn and are no more than 100 feet off the ground, you may use your action to plunge downward and plant Dawnblade into the ground, reducing your movement to 0 until the start of your next turn and releasing a burst of celestial fire in a 30 foot radius around yourself. You may use this ability on consecutive turns, leaving the blade planted in the ground. Each time you release this burst of flame, you and each ally within 30 feet regain 2d6 hit points, and all hostile creatures within the same area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 fire damage. A creature that saves only takes half as much.   If there is no suitable surface to embed the blade into, this ability cannot be used. The initial penetration deals 1 point of damage to structures.   Phoenix Protocol. While using Daybreak, any creature slain by Dawnblade is reduced to ash and a small solar phoenix is reborn in its place. This phoenix will seek out the closest ally and detonate on them. All allies within a 15 foot radius of this explosion regain 3d6 hit points, and all hostile creatures within the same area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 6d6 fire damage. Creatures slain by this explosion do not trigger this ability.  


Staff, echo (requires attunement by Arc Warlock)
Stormcaller is believed to be less a physical item and more a manifestation of a warlock's exerted will over the power of storms. The staff itself is a matte grey-black color, similar to an approaching storm, and flashes occasionally from within like lightning inside a cloud. Stormcaller functions as staff of thunder and lightning. Additionally, it has the following properties:   Empowering Rift. You may cast the spell circle of power using this item at no cost. Once you have used this ability three times, you cannot use it again until you have completed a long rest. When you use this ability, the "divine energy" is instead represented by an electronic distortion in space surrounding you and your allies. While this trait is active, you and each of your allies benefiting from this effect may deal an additional 2d6 lightning damage once per turn on a successful hit with a weapon attack.   Ionic Blink. You learn the spell misty step, which does not count against your list of known spells. You may cast this spell at no cost, but once you have done so you cannot do so again until you complete a short or a long rest (you may still use spell slots to cast this spell normally).   Pulse Wave. Whenever an enemy rolls an attack against you and critically hits, or whenever an attack would reduce your current hit points to less than half your maximum, you may immediately use your reaction to emit a pulse of stimulating elecetricity. You and any allies within 15 feet may immediately move up to half your normal movement speeds without provoking attacks of opportunity until the end of the attacking creature's turn.   Stormtrance. As a bonus action on your turn, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed and can hover for the next minute. When you activate this ability, you emit a small shockwave - creatures within 5 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw (DC 18) or take 2d6 thunder damage and be knocked back 10 feet. A creature that saves against this takes only half as much damage and isn't knocked back.   For the duration, you may use your action on each of your turns to force all creatures in a 15 foot cone originating from yourself to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 18), taking 5d6 lightning damage on a failure and half as much on a success. Alternatively, you can use your action to use the lightning strike trait of the staff without spending a charge, though doing so reduces the duration of Stormtrance by one round.   Repeated uses of this ability between long rests grants levels of exhaustion, which cannot be recovered by any means other than long rest.     You may choose one of the following Major Artifact Property's for Stormcaller:   Rising Storm. When an ally ends their turn within 30 feet of you, regain one use of empowering rift, ionic blink, pulse wave, or one of the staff's one-time use effects. This cannot be used to recover your Stormtrance.   Crown of Tempests. While Stormtrance is active a crown of lightning forms on your head. Once per turn, when you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points during Stormtrance with any damage from Stormcaller it extends the duration of your Stormtance by one round.  

Nezarec's Sin

Wondrous item (orb), echo (requires attunement by Void Warlock)
Necarec's Sin takes the form of a sphere composed of ever-shifting and nebulous matter, like a galaxy trapped inside a small glass sphere. Its mere presence appears to distort time and space around in strange and peculiar ways, yet not so much as to mechanically change anything. Nezarec's Sin has the following properties:   Child of the Old Gods. You learn a special version of the find familiar spell, which does not count against your list of known spells. When you cast this spell or complete it as a ritual, you summon a Void Soul instead of the normal familiar options. Scream at Gan for the Void Soul's stat block and abilities because he didn't post them.   Entropic Pull. You can use this item to cast vampiric touch at no cost. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) before you must complete a long rest.   Feed the Void. When a creature is reduced to 0 hit points within 30 feet of you and dies, you may recover one charge from your handheld supernova trait. If the deceased creature was legendary, recover 3 charges instead.   Handheld Supernova. This item additionally functions as a staff of dunamancy, but ignores the class requirement. Use your spellcasting modifier (Intelligence) for this item.   Nova Warp. You can use this item to cast far step without expending a spell slot. Once you have done so, you cannot do so again until you have completed a short or a long rest.     You may choose one of the following Major Artifact Property's for Nezarec's Sin:   Cataclysm. Once per turn, when you deal damage to a legendary creature, you may choose to remove one of its legendary saving throws. Additionally, you may upcast the spells gained from your handheld supernova trait up to 8th level once each at no additional cost. When you upcast a spell this way, roll a d6. On a roll of 1 - 5, you cannot upcast that spell again until you complete a long rest.   Chaos Accelerant. While Nova Warp is active, whenever you teleport you may immediately cast the spell gravity sinkhole centered on yourself (you are unaffected by this). When Nova Warp ends, roll a d6. On a roll of 6, you immediately regain use of this ability (you can only regain use of Nova Warp once this way).


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