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D&D Beyond Article: Duergar


Duergar are dwarves whose ancestors were transformed by centuries living in the deepest places of the Underdark. That chthonic realm is saturated with strange magical energy, and over generations, early duergar absorbed traces of it. They were further altered when mind flayers and other Aberrations invaded and performed horrific experiments on them. Fueled by Underdark magic, those experiments left early duergar with psionic powers, which have been passed down to their descendants. In time, they liberated themselves from their aberrant tyrants and forged a new life for themselves in the Underdark and beyond.


Like other dwarves, duergar typically have a life span of 350 years.


In addition to, or in lieu of, the abilities listed under Dwarf you have the following abilities:


Ability Score Increases: When determining your character’s ability scores, increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.


Extra Language: You can speak, read, and write Undercommon.


Creature Type: You are a Humanoid. You are also considered a dwarf for any prerequisite or effect that requires you to be a dwarf.  

Size: You are Medium.  

Speed: Your walking speed is 30 feet.  

Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.


Duergar Magic. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the enlarge/reduce spell on yourself once with this trait, using only the spell’s enlarge option. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the invisibility spell on yourself once with this trait. You don’t need material components for either spell, and you can’t cast them while you’re in direct sunlight, although sunlight has no effect on them once cast. You regain the ability to cast these spells with this trait when you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.


Duergar Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against illusions and against being charmed or paralyzed.


Psionic Fortitude. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the charmed or stunned condition on yourself.

  Duergar originally appeared as a Playable Race in Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide but were revised in Monsters of the Multiverse*. Chronala uses the revised version.

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