Investigate the Flaming Fist and connections with Pirates Plot in Chult | World Anvil
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Investigate the Flaming Fist and connections with Pirates

Current Status - Complete

The party was tasked by Zhanthi to investigate the seeminly targeted pirating of chultan interests.   Zhanthi had suspected the involvement of the flamming fist, in particular the involvement or collusion of Liara Portyr. To begin her investigations Zhanthi sent her son shago to Fort Beluarian to investigate, but has not been in contact with her since.   Arriving at the Fort Beluarian and after sucessfully rescuing both a flaming fist patrol, and subsequently Shago the group managed a frank talk with Liara Portyr.   Without openly admitting her involvement, she hinted to Fang and Kailyn Tharamor that "If" there was involvement by the flaming fist then financial compensation would need to be gained. And gave suggestion as to where information might be found, down on the docks.   On the docks Jaro was apprehended, used by Liara Portyr as a scape goat. Sending the unsuspecting quatermaster to the meeting site with a journal detailing the pirating routes and the speaking stone used to contact the pirates by the flaming fist.   Jaro was escorted to Zhanthi, after much struggle with the local guards. Before a full interigation could be had Liara Portyr was summoned who gave assurances that Jaro would be punished appropriately and that the pirating issues should now be at an end.   The financial pay off is to be carried out through Shago at the Rainbow Immolators, who are tasked with travelling deep into the jungles of chult to gather precious items and treasure.


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