Chult Day 17 - Crossing a Bridge (Jungle day 6)
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Day 17 - Crossing a Bridge (Jungle day 6)


Main Events
Qawasha Escorts the Flaming Fist to Fort BeluarianFang & Yesne Brightstar Find some Almiraj • Fang Makes a Deal with Le'Jin • Kailyn Tharamor claims the Dagger of Le'Jin • Fang Tracks the Giants • The Guardians of the Gate Parley Across a BridgeKailyn Tharamor Discards Volothamp Geddarms Book • The Guardians of the Gate Fail to Cross a Rope Bridge… • A Dinosaur Snacks on Kailyn TharamorThe Guardians of the Gate Reach the Coast

Qawasha leaves us the next day to take the troops home. Yesne Brightstar is not happy. Nephyr gives us a special arrow, if we need him we shoot it into the air and he’ll come to us.   Yesne Brightstar goes foraging, finds some ‘rabbits’ Fang recognises them as Almiraj, fairly harmless. Fang shoots one. Glowing Almiraj comes from a burrow and looks at Fang, Fang says we need the dead one for food. Then gives him a coin. One side has an Almiraj on it, the other a skull – screaming and crumbling. Fang flips, lands on skull, thing attacks. Le'Jin – said he’s a god, a chaotic one. ‘Risks deserve rewards…. Or death’. Almiraj disappears in a cloud of ‘poof’ and the horn falls to the ground. Take it over to Kailyn Tharamor (conjured a scoop to carry it).   Yesne Brightstar remembers a tatty collection of scrolls (made from leather) there were scribblings around foreign trickster gods – one mentioned was Le'Jin. Neither good nor evil, but unpredictable in nature.  

Identify the horn, could be used as a dagger, +1 enchantment for damage and to hit. Randomly does 1d4 of Fire, cold, acid or lightning to enemy or 1d8 of necrotic damage to you. 1 in 5 chance for each option… roll d10 1 or 2 is necrotic etc.   Kailyn Tharamor sees carving in a tree about 10ft up, on way to inspect sees tracks and animal poo. Fang inspects tracts – Humanoid and Wolf tracks similar to those already seen (giant/wolf). Poo check determines it’s a wolf of some kind. Acrid smell also marking of wolf in general area of tree. Words are written in giant. One way Hvalspyd which means Whale Spear underneath ‘Half a day’ and a direction of east directly from here.   Come to a ravine, river below. Find a rope bridge and make our way to it, made of intertwined vines. Ravine is 50ft across and bridge not well used.   2 winter wolves come out from other side, followed by 3 frost giants – two male and one female (the captain). Captain Drufi on the business of Yarl Stovald. Ask if we have seen ‘the human of frost’ Fang saw the wizard in the jungle a few days ago. They are trying to find Artus Cimber, he has stolen something from them (though they claim he is a fugitive).   They will trade Shago for Artus Cimber – Human, about Fang's height. Shago is on the ship ‘Whale Spear’   I have a look in my library book, see if there is a way to track an individual across planes. There is a divination (cleric) spell you can use to track someone – they need to be on the same plane. Book is not helpful   Kailyn Tharamor looks in his Volothamp Geddarm book for Frost giants – clan like creatures, physical prowess deemed as best way to lead. Prefer to plunder the hard work of others than create their own (like Vikings!). Very powerful creatures, very dangerous.   Kailyn Tharamor throws his Volothamp Geddarm book in the water in anger, I see a body floating down the river, turns out to be the ghoul we killed a couple of days ago that Kailyn Tharamor planted a ball bearing on ‘ooooh I’m a ghoul’   Fang can’t cross the bridge – ends up breaking it. Eventually, Bjorn Lovehammer asks Moa and a Chwinga appears to help us; mends the bridge for us and Bjorn Lovehammer crosses. We finally all cross.   A allosaurus dino comes from the side we came from, turns back. Kailyn Tharamor goes back for rope… gets eaten by dinosaur……   Start heading towards the coast. Finally make the edge of forest and Fang finds a suitable area to camp.